The Party and The Disaster

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Emarilia was so scared and nervous as her and Thranduil walked down the hall to the grand room where all the guests were anxiously waiting for the entrance of the Lost(now found) Princess of Mirkwood, and her father king Thranduil. As they reached the huge doors where the party was being held on the other side, Thranduil turned to his daughter and asked her smiling, "Are you ready my love", Emarilia began to tremble, bit her lip, and then said "I am as ready as I'll ever be" smiling weakly. Thranduil fixed his posture, and so did Emarilia. Then their arms locked together. They both took a deep breath, and Thranduil reached out his hand, about to turn the handle exposing them to the hundreds of people on the other side of the door. As his hand began to turn the handle Emarilia exclaimed "Wait!". Thranduil turned to look at his his daughter shocked he asked "What is it?". Emarilia stuffed her face into her fathers chest and said "I am scared ada". Thranduil wrapped his arms around his daughter, and began stroking her back and replied "Do not be afraid my love, I will be right next to you the whole time". Thranduil placed his hand under Emarilia's chin, and lifted her head, so their eyes met. Emarilia smiled, stood up straight, took a deep breath, locked her arm with her fathers, and said "Ok, I'm ready". Thranduil smiled at her and finally opened the door! The whole room turned in their direction, and everyone grew silent, making a path for them, to walk to the three thrones at the back of the room. Emarilia's eyes filled with horror and confusion of why there were three thrones, but then she realized that it belonged to Legolas. Thranduil smiled at her and said "Come now" They both gracefully walked through the crowd. Emarilia could feel hundreds of stares, and heard people talking about her. But she did not look at anyone, she just kept her eyes ahead. To Emarilia's surprise everything she heard was pleasant and nice! For example she heard "Wow, she's beautiful!" or "She Looks just like the queen!" Emarilia smiled. As they reached the thrones, Thranduil sat in the one in the middle, and Emarilia sat in the one on the right. But then Legolas came running through the crown and sat in the remaining throne. Thranduil glared at Legolas, and Legolas said "Sorry I'm late ada" The crowd began to giggle a little. And so did Emarilia and Legolas. Then a man, who seemed to work in the palace stood in between them and said "People of Mirkwood, I present to you King Thranduil, Prince Legolas and of course Princess Emarilia!" Thranduil smiled, took his daugters hand in his, Smiled and squeezed it a little. The whole room filled with applause, cheering, and hundreds of happy and excited faces! Emarilia scanned the crowd with her eyes in Excitement, looking at all the guests happy faces. She felt happy, and accepted there. For the next hour, people were taking turns going up to Thranduil and Emarilia giving them their blessings. Legolas was elsewhere, probably eating sweets and desserts, Emarilia thought. After that was over Emarila was sitting quietly, staring at the ground, while peole were laughing and dancing all around the room, that made Emarilia smile. Then she saw two feet step in front of her, she looked up, and It was Thranduil offering her his hand. Emarilia looked up at her father confused and asked "What?". Thranduil chuckled and said "Let's go dance!". Emarilia began to blush and said "I can't danc-" she was cut off, because Thranduil pulled her up and dragged her to the middle of the room Emarilia became extremely nervous and shouted "Ada! No! stop, Please, Let go of me!!" Thranduil began to laugh and said "I will not! You will dance with me!" Emarilia then found herself in the middle of the crowd, and everyone was staring at her and her father. Emarilia knew there was no turning back now, because the guests had formed a circle around them. She looked at her father, who was excitedly grinning at her waiting to begin dancing. She couldn't help but smile at her father with that expression on his face. Then all of the sudden everyone began to tap their feet and clap their hands, They also started to sing an Elvish song that everyone knew by heart. Thranduil locked both hands with his daughter, and the dancing began! Everyone joined in! For the dance, you would have a partner, and swing each other, and then switch. The dance was very syncronized, and everyone was having a great time. Emarilia and her father danced and laughed as well. When it was time to switch Emarilia was now with Legolas "Where have you been?!" Emarilia asked her brother as they were dancing. Legolas was laughing with chocolate all over his face, and said "At the dessert table obviously!" Emarilia and Legolas were now laughing. Then it was time to switch again. Emarilia's hands were now entwined with a grown man. Once she looked up to see who it was, her heart sank, and her smile was wiped off of her face. It was Gilrond. "What? Are you not happy to see your own father?" he said. The harsh
words that he had said to her were now replaying in her head and she responded with "You are not my father!" She was trying to let go of his hands, but his clutch got even tighter and he was now crushing Emarilia's hands. Emarilia winced in pain, and weakly demanded "Let go of me!". Gilrond grew furious and said "I Will Not!". He began to hold her hands even tighter, that they were now turning purple. Emarilia screamed and fell onto the ground, crying in pain. The whole room grew silent, and a few women ran to Emarilia's side. Gilrond began to run, but some guards had seen what he had done to the princess and ran after him. Thranduil and Legolas looked around confused and then they saw the group of people in the middle of the room. As Thranduil approaced the crowd he saw who was lying there."Emarilia!!" he shouted, and everyone moved out the way, except the maid who lay next to her examining her hands. "What happened?!" Thranduil questioned the maid as he bent down next to his crying daughter. "Her hands my lord, they are broken". Thranduil lifted his daughter into his lap, and Emarilia stuffed her face into her fathers shoulder and began to cry even harder from the pain. Some remaining guards knew that she was hurt, and told the guests that it was time to leave. After a few minutes the huge room was empty with only Thranduil and Emarilia on the floor. Then three guards came in the room with Gilrond with chains around his hands. As they entered they shoved him to the ground on his knees with their swords pointed at his neck. Thranduil stood up with a confused expression on his face, and he was still holding Emarilia. Thranduil walked to the guards and one of them said "This is the man that hurt the princess, my Lord". Thranduil became furious, and stepped away from them, and asked Emarilia who was still crying "Do you know that man?". Emarilia was shaking but replied confidently "I....It's Gilrond ada" Thranduil was now enraged and set his daughter down slowly, and told Legolas to sit with her. Legolas sat next to his hurt sister and hugged her, and kissed her cheek trying to comfort her. Thranduil on the other hand walked up to Gilrond and lifted him from his clothes, looked him right in the eye, and punched him in the face. "Throw him in the dungeons! I will deal with this monster later!". "Yes my lord" the guards replied, and dragged him to the dungeon. After they left Thranduil ran back to Emarilia picked her up, and walked her quickly to the healing room, and as he walked he whispered to Emarilia "It will be all right my love, he won't hurt you again" Emarilia was remembering her fathers promise from when she just arrived, and she answered him sobbing "B-But you said you wouldn't let anyone hurt me, as long as you were with me." Her words broke her fathers heart, and he began to cry, and said "I know, It's all my fault, please forgive me, this party was a foolish idea."


Emarilia fell asleep in her fathers arms, as she was being examined. When the healer was finished she said "That man crushed her hands. They are completely broken, she will be in pain for several months, and she won't be able to feed herself" Thranduil sighed sadly and said "This is all my fault" The healer looked at him sadly, and said "She needs her rest, take her to her room." Thranduil nodded, and slowly rose from the examining bed, and walked down the hallway. As he walked he met Legolas. They both began to walk together, Legolas was very worried about his sister. He asked his father "Will she be alright ada?". Thranduil looked down at his sleeping daughter and answered "Yes, but it will be months before she is fully healed. Legolas I need you to help me take care of your sister, because she will not be able to feed herself." Legolas nodded his head and said "Of course, I'll do anything for my sister". Thranduil smiled proudly at his son. Thranduil did not want to put Emarilia in her room, Of course he wasn't! Not with Gilrond in the palace! He took her to his room, and carefully set her on his bed. Thranduil grabbed a chair and sat
next to her, and Legolas sat next to
her on the bed. Thranduil sighed heavily and buried his face in the palms of his hands. Legolas looked at his father concerned and said "Ada it is not your fault".

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