The Question

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Merildis sat down to listen to what her father had to say about what happened with her and the king long ago "Hear me out Merildis, don't be upset", "ok" she replied. Her father cleared his throat and was about to begin, but her mother stopped him and said "No, i'll tell her" drying her tears away, "Fine" her father replied calmly. Finally her mother began "Merildis as you know The king's wife died long ago..", "Yes, of course" she replied, and her mother continued "Well before she died, she had you, but sadly she passed away two months later, because she got very sick. The king was devistated and spoke to no one for almost a year, only caring for you, and his other son Legolas" Merildis cut her off "Wait, What! I also have a brother?" "Yes you do,now, let me finish" her mother answered, and continued "So, the king only cared for you two, but was still very upset, but one day he realized that you reminded him so much of his dead wife and he thought that you were responsible for his sadness, that he could not bear to look at you, it made him extremely sad and depressed and you were only 11 months old when he decided to give you up, so hundreds of families visited his palace everyday for the past month who wanted to take you in as their own, but Thranduil trusted no one, because he knew they just wanted you because you were royalty, until he met us, and that was the day we took you home as ours, but Thranduil talked with us for hours, but he said one last thing that shocked us both" she took a deep breath " He told us that if one day, you were to find out about your true family and identity, to ask you if you want to go back" Merildis's mother began to cry again, and asked Merildis, "do you?"


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