Let's Get You Cleaned Up

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Chapter 37


I didn't know where to take Damon other than back to the apartment in Paris. I could tell from the bruises on his body, his blood soaked clothes and teeth marks on his arms he had been through a lot. And then clearly some more by his red eyes. I was glad Damon was able to find some comfort in my arms but I wanted to take care of him not just hold him. So for a long while we just stood in the middle of the living room wrapped in each other's arms. "Hey, let's get you cleaned up".

Damon nodded his head yes. I took his hand in mind and led him towards the master bathroom. The bathroom is huge with every luxury imaginable, heated floors, a shower that could fit a whole football team and a drop in square, white tub. I turned the tub on and made sure the water was comfortable before turning around to Damon.

"Can I help you get undressed?" I asked gently. He nodded yes staring at the floor. Carefully I removed his backpack and placed it on the floor. Next I helped Damon out of his shirt, then his shoes and pants. I could tell he was in shock. And right now he didn't need to be alone. But, I wanted to give him the option of privacy if that's what he wanted. That's what my mother had always done for me.

I picked up his clothes shoes and backpack and told Damon,"I'm going to throw these in the washing machine. Do you want me to come back and help you wash up?"

"Yes", he said in a small lost voice. He was talking so we were getting a little better. These clothes needed to be thrown away but I would wash them and let Damon decide if he was going to keep him or not. I threw the clothes in the washing machine returned back to the master bedroom and found some new clothes for Damon to put on once we got him all clean. I'm not going to the door before going back into the bathroom to find Damon was already in the water. I put his clean clothes down on the sink and knelt down by the tub turning off the water. I grabbed a towel and a bar soap and lather them together and started washing his back. Damon sat with his forehead pressing against his knees with his eyes closed and just let me work.

I finished washing his body then grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started cleaning his hair,"You're dressed nice".

"Yeah, tonight was supposed to be a piece meeting between the Brotherhood, The Order, Hades, Zeus and Poseidon".

"I take it that didn't happen", he said with a smirk.

I use my water element to call up some of the bath water to rinse Damon's hair clean,"you know it. The brotherhood didn't show up and of course---"

"Poseidon didn't".

"Bingo", I said kissing his forehead. I rinsed out his hair one more time just to make sure I got all the suds out. Damon looked a world of a lot better. Now that he was clean I was going to heal him but most of his cuts and bruises were starting to heal on their own. "Do you want to rest now?"

"Yes", he signed.

Damon got out of the water and I dried his body off pulling the droplets of water the towel didn't get with my water element. I helped him in to the flannel pajamas pants and white shirt I had found. I led him back into the bedroom and started pulling the shades and blinds closed. "Why don't you lay down. I can make you something to eat".

Because when Damon woke up he was going to be starving.

I finally got the last curtain closed and turned around to see Damon directly behind me. I didn't even hear him move,"Will you stay with me?"

"Always", I smiled and kissed his cheek,"I am going to need some help getting out of this dress. It took two people just to get me in".

"I can", he offered.

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