A Little Princess

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Chapter 13


The house shook uncontrollably as I try to keep my balance. Dread sat in my stomach the longer this Chaos continued. Prince grandparents didn't seem the least bothered by it which made Alaric and I the only odd man out. Freya's grandfather sat in his rocking chair and watch the TV and his wife sat right next to him yelling over the following building like this was a normal day

"DO YOU WANT DINNER?!" Sylviane kept yelling to a definitely deaf Phillip,"DINNER?"

"I only have a fiver", Philip reached into him pants and handed her a $5 bill before returning his attention back to the TV.


"Now, I don't want to go to sleep", he shouted as the house finally calmed itself.

"By the grace of Zeus I hope I never live to be that old", Alaric mumbled under his breath.

"By the grace of the gods we should all hope to get that old", I corrected.

"Mipa! Papa!"

"In here", Philip shouted not missing a beat of the childlike voice crying out for him.

"Oh you can hear that but not me 5 feet in front of your face", Sylviane complained as Phillip stood it up with his cane and made his way slowly over to the door to meet a little girl in overalls with a red cape.

"Grandpa guess what!?" The child yelled head over heels excited jumping up and down around Phillip.

"What jitterbug?" He said warmly.

"I made a friend!" She exclaimed,"she got blue eyes and brown hair, she's tall like a boy".

"Where is she?"

"I don't know I walked through a wall and fell through the ceiling then I got kind of lost and then I just kept calling your name until I found you", the child explained.

"Damn and I thought we were having a rough day", Alaric smirked.

"She's not hurt is she?" Sylvianne asked.

"I don't know. Mommy says she's my sister but she's not like me because she has no abilities".

"O damn", Alaric said rushing out of the room realizing the girl in front of us had to be Freya and the missing one was Cecilia. Not five minutes ago Freya was a baby now she was a child who can walk and talk. At this rate she'll be back to normal which was great hopefully she kept aging until she got back to normal.

"Freya, come here and let me fix your hair", Sylviane asked.

"I don't want to get my hair brushed", she pouted.

"Listen to your grandma", Philip said leaving no room for any argument. Obediently, Freya made her way over to her grandmother who started to work through her tangled hair.

"One braid or two?" Sylviane asked as Freya sat on her knees.

"Two please", she answered. "Mipa, there's a man upstairs yelling at Mommy. He's not very nice".

"That's what we said when she met him", Philip said laughing at his own joke. At least he had a sense of humor about things.

"Stay out of grown people's business Freya. Your mother knows what she's doing especially the second time around", Sylvianne warned.

"Hey cool cat?" Freya sang as Phillip return back to his chair.

"Yes, cool kitten?" Philip said sinking down into his chair and getting comfortable.

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