Keep Your Panties On

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Chapter 20


I woke to the pitter patter of rain on the world's softest and fluffiest bed. I tilted my head and looked out of a tall 20 ft glass window as drops of rain fell steady and soft, falling from a sky of grey velvet.

Where am I?

The last thing I remember was Keno and blacking out.

I tilted my head down barely a degree and I saw Damon asleep in a green crush velvet  accent chair. At least he looked better than I felt. This crick in my neck, this cold, these muscle aches and head pain that we're hitting me like a slowly building bruise.

I need an Advil.

Or ten.

I sat up cracking my bones and let the warm covers fall from my body. I look down at myself expecting cuts, bruises maybe even a few broken bones but all I saw was a way to big gray hoodie drowning my body.

I reached out to my sleeping angel.

He saved me.

I tapped his shoulder and whispered,"Damon". He jumped awake,"Hey".

He took a deep breath and lace my fingers through his before pulling my knuckle to his lips and kissed it,"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Better now", I smiled. I patted the space next to me,"It can't be comfortable in that chair".

"You would be right. But I didn't want to leave you alone. And the floor isn't carpeted. I wanted to give you space to heal", he smiled climbing into bed. Even in a white t-shirt and flannel red pants Damon still made my heart race.

I waited until Damon got comfortable in the king size bed before snuggling close to him on my side as he wrapped one arm snuggly around my waist pulling me closer. "I'm never going to kick you out of bed".

I grinned. Damon took one of his hands and gently stroked my cheek almost making me catch my breath before his lips gently touched mine. His was steeped in a passion that ignited my body. It is the promise of realness, of the primal desire that lives in us all. And with it he tells me that he is awake and connected with me.


Damon slowly deepen the kiss. And I loved it. My body melted into his. The way our lips fit were like two puzzle pieces. The way I relented as he played with my hair and held me tighter and tighter. Damon climbed on top of me pushing my legs apart. And in the half a millisecond it took him to reconnect our lips I was shedding off my hoodie. Dam on roughly grinded his hips into mine and I could feel his throbbing erection pressing against my panties.

Was it too forward just to get rid of my underwear?

Instead of just stripping down naked I helped Damon get out of his t-shirt which only made me wetter and want him more.

My hands work their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.Damon's hands venture over my curved body, exploring. Damon was doing wonderful things to my neck so much so I couldn't take it anymore I took off my bra tossing it to the floor. I arched my back into him wanting, no needing more. I was on the edge of cumming. But what set me over was Damon's magical hand rubbing me in all the right places. "O yes! Yes! YES!"

When we broke away after what seemed like ages I looked up at Damon and reached up to kiss him again before falling back on to the bed,"I love you, Freya".

"I love you more", I smiled.

"I.. I..."

I what?

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