We're Doing This

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Chapter 23


This isn't exactly how I pictured my wedding day. But at least it would be memorable.

I woke up Alaric with a soft poke and he jolted awake as if I had stabbed him,"Rise and shine".

"My back is going to be permanently fucked up. I can't keep taking these kind of falls", He said dramatically.

"Are you in pain?"

"No I'm just clinching my spleen with a grip of life because I like it", fair point that was a stupid question. I gingerly touch your shoulders and focus on the problem as if it's my own as if I was breathing in his pain and out pure relief. I hold every bad memory in my left hand; every good memory in my right. I want just my palm begins to glow a bright light in the pain that I was feeling fades away as I hold every emotion and feeling in my brain at the same time like a beautiful awareness without words.

The glowing faded and I dropped my hand from his shoulder,"How do you feel now?"

"Great?" He said surprisingly. "How did you do that?"

"I don't really know. I just did it", I confessed.

"This isn't going to like backfire on me in an hour or something?"

"I hope not. Because I have a favor to ask, well two favors", I sheepishly asked,"Can you watch Cecilia?"

"Yes, because it looks like I'm going to be a permanent babysitter for the next 18 to 20 years", He huffed.

"We're working on that", I admitted.

"What late night booty call are you running off to?" Alaric ask throwing off the covers to stand up.

"Actually, I'm getting married", I said with pure glee. Flaunting my ring, "And I need you to be a witness".

"O?", Alaric said covering his mouth was wide eyes,"Who's the lucky guy? I'm almost insulted you don't think I'd be a good maid of honor".


"What's the last name?" He questioned what his hands on his hips.

"Gideon, you know him. Don't play".

"I cannot believe you're going to marry that flour of spice door knob", He exclaimed.

"Wow how do you really feel?" I said crossing my arms. "Will you just be a witness?"

"I don't know, you didn't ask right", He said with a huff,"This is a special moment and you didn't let me have that".

"Oh my God, we're going to the courthouse",I said with a roll of my eyes.


I got down on one knee and took his hand,"Alaric Thorwood, would you do me the honor of being my maid of honor and witness".

"Well this is so sudden", He said making me genuinely laugh. "Yes, But you have to be my maid of honor".

A joy like a thousand fireworks went off in me,"Did you ask Cecilia?!"

"Yup", The Alaric said proudly. I explode it up with excitement.

"And she said yes!?"

"She said yes!" He said cocky. He quickly recanted the whole story of how he asked her in the library just before he went to Keno.

"This is going to be so cool! We're going to be in-laws!" I said almost to the point of jumping up and down with happiness.

"I can't believe you polluted the family gene pool--"

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