But You Don't Like Me

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Chapter 42


"This hall is unfit for a king! Slabs of rocks thrown together as if any person would want this. The seat's not even comfortable", Christian critique as we walked the empty halls of King Arthur's Great Halls in Tintagel, England.

The ceiling must be twenty feet high. Designs of fruit and flowers are carved into the moulding and small, fat children with wings look down at us from every angle. Vases of blossoms give off a cloying scent that makes my eyes itch. For the most part the hall was dark. We had switched on a few lights but not too many to draw attention to us. But enough so Christian could appreciate the surroundings.

He sat in the stone King's chair underwhelmed. I kind of felt bad for him because he brought his sword expecting something that just wasn't going to happen. I sat in the queen's chair next to him dressed in a black knee high skirt and long sleeve t-shirt. I chose a pair of thick gray stockings and thigh high leather boots.

If I had paid 50 bucks to get in here I think I would have got my money's worth. It was just a run of the Mill hall. "Well empty it's not impressive but imagine it filled with people, food and music. We can make it straight medieval in here".

"My hall was grand and people would travel all around the world to come to one of my parties. Kings and queens some of the most beautiful women to ever walk this earth would come to my hall", he beamed. He took a deep breath and I could see a silent sadness overtake his face. "It's all gone now...the estate, the people... Home probably doesn't even exist anymore".

"Home is where your heart is. The people who buried you clearly cared about you. They would not want you to be stuck on the pass. They truly loved you They would want you to live. No one gets a second time around. You get to find a new home and carry the old one with you".

"It will not be easy", He said with a sad smile.

"But it will be worth it", I breathed. "And you won't do it alone".

Christian leaded back in his throne and we stared at each other in a comforting silence. His eyes brought to mind forget-me-not flowers, yet bright, shining under a soft morning light. "We all demigods, we were made to adapt".

"Yet still human", I added.

"More so".

"You know we can Google your name and see what pops up. I can't guarantee it'll be all good but it may be an answer?"

"I don't think I'm ready for such knowledge. I'd rather live in ignorance just for a while longer", he responded.

"I understand", I really do. A wintry wind hit the building  with a bold honesty, a rawness that brought one's soul into the gentle cloud-filtered rays.

"I died before my first child was born. I missed.... That was the last thing I thought about before I died, before the light took me".

"I'm sorry", I felt his hurt like spider web, intricate, yet strong. I know in time it will pass, but for now all that existed was pain. Pain I wish I could take from him.

I took Christian's hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Whatever you need. I'm here".

Christian squeeze my hand back,"You're very kind...Thank you".

I wanted to tell him it's the little moments we hold on to the most. They're the ones that hurt...deeply hurt. But I didn't want to rub salt in to his already opened wound. I stood up and offered Christian my hand. He hesitated for a moment before taking it,"How do you feel about a lazy night in?"

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