Be Led

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Chapter 51


Half a day later and I felt like we made real change. All of the archons were going to go back to their continents with their ministry and carry out and implement plans to keep an eye on the veil and stop any investigations or attacks on the Brotherhood. Our main focus now is going to be taking out as many shades as possible and raising the flag when they see rips in the veil.

That's all I wanted.

I just wish I didn't have to be the heavy to make action happen.

I was proud of myself. I stuck to my guns and I made them listen. Partly me partly onyx who was definitely going to get some kind of a treat once I figured out what man eating snakes considered a treat. I teleported Christian and I back to the castle. I all but floated up the stairs and threw open the doors and sang,"Cosimo! We're back! Aaaaaand we did it! We are popping champagne bottles".

Where is everyone?

"Was that really a peace mission?" Christian supposed.

"What else would it be?" I said turning around to face him as we walked into the library.

"I clearly made threat", He said with his arms behind his back.

"You have no idea what was about to happen. We weren't going to accomplish anything if I didn't woman up and do something. We achieved our goal", I said wanting to look on the bright side of things. "Be happy. We took care of that problem now we can head over to Poland and take care of the veil over there".

"No", Christian said firmly crossing his arms in front of his chest,"I don't think that's wise".


"Because you just ran off. We're supposed to have each other's back. We're supposed to be teammates. You with no regard for your own safety or mine just ran off. If your teammates you would have listened. Even if there was nothing there, if there was, we couldn't even face the problem together because you took off at full speed. It's dangerous, foolish and frankly idiotic", It's like he knew exactly what to say to hurt me.

"Christian...we...I...I'm sorry", I didn't know what else to say. Everything he said was right.

"And what about in the ballroom?"What did I do wrong there? "Again, we were sent on this mission as a team. You didn't even need me there. I did not even have a voice. But if I did, I would say you're foolish".

"How many ways are you going to call me an idiot today?"

"Peace takes time. It may not be what you want to hear but it is the truth. You're not solving a problem just for today you're solving a problem so that future generations won't have to deal with it. You cannot bully your way into the result you want. Each man there has stood for a cause. They've dedicated their lives, their entire beings to this cause you cannot just make them change overnight. If you think you've done anything other than antagonize them and possibly put us on the same list as the Brotherhood you are sorely mistaken. You don't threaten men, or talked down to them like their children. If you had asked my opinion I would have told you what was happening in that room was an embarrassment".

"I'm sorry... you feel that way", I said as my voice broke.

"I'm sorry you don't", He fired right back leaving the room. I accomplished something and I wasn't going to be shamed for it. If Christian knew but God damn miracle I just pulled off. He wouldn't be having a hissy fit. But that didn't stop me from picking up the nearest book and chucking it against the window.

"Do you want to talk about it?"Edward said giving me a mini heart attack in one of the command chairs as he idly read a book.

"Jesus! Make some noise", I said lashing out at him.

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