I Want Action

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Chapter 50


It took nothing to seal the veil. I showed Christian how to to bleed on the veil this time so the next time he could do it. We barely made it to the meeting with Roman on time.

So we were going to the super important meeting dressed like ninjas. I all but ran through the decadent hallways expecting this meeting to be in the dining room like all of the others had been. No one was here.

"We didn't miss", Christian said just as confused as I was.

"No! We still have like a minute!" I quickly started to check all of the rooms hoping I could stumble into the right one. "Anson!"

He jumped and disappeared down a different hallway,"Don't you run! I see you!"

I teleported right in front of him,"O for the love of the Gods! What!?"

"Where is the meeting?"

"Don't know, don't care", He said with a roll of his eyes. I had lost all of my patience I grabbed him by his black shirt collar and pinned him up against the wall. Stressed I stated,"We're on the same team. Help me out".

"I don't appreciate being manhandled", Anson said with wide eyes and his hands held up defensively.

"I don't appreciate how you jingle when you walk. Deal with it", I threatened.

"It's called fashion, heathen", I drop Anson and rolled my eyes.

"Why are you mad at me!? I haven't done anything to you".

"Evelyn", he said through gridded  teeth.

"Have you tried I don't know talking to her. You're the one that was keeping secrets... Never mind. I will talk to Evelyn myself and apologize just tell me where this meeting is happening".

"Ballroom", He huffed.

"Is this how people greet each other now?" Christian asked analytically.

"Christian this is Anson. He's a part of my save the world crew whether he likes it or not. He's a fire elemental. Anson this is Christian. He's a demigod I brought back to life", Christian extended his hand in the two shook.

"Women are very complicated creatures. They must be dealt with with a firm yet gentle touch".

"She fucked you over too?" Anson stated.

"I didn't!" I shouted. "And we don't have time for this".

"Have you tried drinking?" Christian smiled as if this wasn't a bad behavior.

"I like you. You ever been to Barcelona I'll show you some of the best bars in the world".

"Sorry to break up this bromance but we have to go", I took Christian's hand and teleported us directly into the ballroom.

"He was nice", Christian said with a smile walking with his hands behind his back.


As we descended the staircase everyone in the room stood up. There was a long cherrywood table that sat easily 200 people comfortably. Most of the men were dressed in purple robes with pale white skin and bald heads everyone else was finally dressed in their best black suits.

Roman crossed the room and met us at the foot of the staircase. Roman kissed both of my cheeks as if we were long lost friends and firmly shook Christian's hand.

What the fuck?

"So nice of you to join us. Please come in", Roman said leading to the head of the table with hundred of eyes critically taking us in. We came to sit in our spots too wouldn't a throne like chairs placed side by side. Roman stood at his place just to the left of me as Winston came up behind my chair and pushed it in so we all could sit.

"Thank you", I smiled warmly to Winston. "So where do we start?"

A man stood up and buttoned up suite jacket. His face had the same structure as my own, high cheekbones and symmetrical. He had deep brown eyes and tanned skin. He was still slender despite his years, toned and not at all stooped. His voice has a husky drawl,"I'd like to start by saying we are are excited to have you both here. Never in any of our lifetimes did we think such an occasion would occur. My name is Dominic Newton, and I'm archon of the European branch of the order. My men and I look forward to serving both of you".

I looked over to Roman who looked absolutely bored out of his mind as he rolled his eyes at what Dominic had to say.

There was a story there. I made mental note to get it later.

"Thank you, my Lord. We feel most welcomed and appreciate your hospitality. I'm sure we will call on you very soon", Christian said speaking up.

Dominic sat down clearly proud of himself for being the first to talk. I knew the circle jerk that was about to happen Everyone would want to give their own spin it the same story Dominic had just gave us,"So let's get down to business. The order controls certain parts of the world one of which we just came from to repair the veil. We need to be more focused on fixing these problems before they become huge problems. and since we aren't fighting the Brotherhood anymore we can allocate more people to clearing these areas".

"I wholeheartedly agree", One of the men and purple at the very end of the table said standing up,"But the brotherhood is still an issue. It's just not the main issue at this point".

"Are you fucking kidding me?"I said turning every head in my direction.

"What she means to say is---"

Snapped at Christian, I didn't need clarification I said what I meant,"No I meant what I said. We have to let this go. What was the point of saying we'll work together if we're not going to work together".

"We will work together for now ma'am. But that does not mean we cannot be strategic about how we offer assistance".

"So every minute decision is going to be a hostile negotiation? At that point we might as well just go back to actively fighting against each. At then we actually accomplish something. It doesn't matter the Brotherhood or The Order you're all pretty terrible options", I said feeling a pulsating anger bubbling up through my stomach and pounding in my head.

"Freya perhaps be a little bit more gentle?"

I ignored Christian and slammed my fist too hard on the table splitting it in half,"I am done! Done playing these dumbass games. The world is literally about to end! And you're worried about getting the upper hand on the other group! I have brought back the dead! I am standing here ready to sacrifice everything in the name of us having a future and you're bringing up some petty bullshit!?"

I could feel my emotions flying in every direction as the windows started to blow out in the chandelier above us fell in a thousand pieces to the ground. "If you are not here to give me an actual plan of action one that involves us defeating Erebus and Nyx I do not want to hear it! I am not going to die in a world in golf by darkness because you all cannot get your shit together put your differences aside and be the man I know you can be! You will rise to the occasion or I will personally. Take. You. Out. Is that understood?"

I could see the panic I was causing in the room but I didn't care. I needed to make a point that we are not doing this bullshit again. And as my final threat left my mouth I felt Onyx uncurl itself from around my neck and come to life stretching out into his full size with his fangs beared ready to attack.

"I think we get", Roman said sitting calmly in his chair.

"I think or know?" I challenged.

"We know. Correct, gentleman?" A slew of yeses echoed throughout the ballroom,"Tell us what your vision is and we will carry it out to the T",

"Thank you", I said feeling my rage subside. Apparently bitches get things done because I felt like a huge brat right now but it was the only way to get everyone in this room behind the singular idea of we need to work together. I had ideas and I wanted their input. Cosimo trusted me to come here and get this done. I'm done playing nice. I want action.

And I want it now.

Found (The Olympus Brotherhood Saga #4)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें