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I clutched my black tank, wishing I had something a little stronger than just leggings I looked down into the darkness. It was a never ending pit, and though my senses told me I would be fine to descent, I wasn't 100% sure. My senses have failed me before.

I knew what I needed to do. Cosimo couldn't step in between realms. But I could. I did it in Keno. And I can do it now.

"Are you sure?" Cosimo asked coming to stand next to me,"I can only imagine who's going to be down there waiting for you".

"It doesn't matter. I'm doing this", I said with conviction I definitely didn't feel. Cosmo quickly gave me a hug and as he pulled away he reached into his pocket and pulled out five white stones.

"Keep them safe and close. It's taking me several lifetimes to even get this many".

"What are they?" I said carefully taking them and putting them in my pocket.

"Everything that makes us, us. Our life force, our abilities, our attributes strength you name it. Every demigod has one embedded somewhere in their body", He explained as the wind picked up.

"How did you get them?"

"I've seen a lot of death", He said sadly.

I quickly changed the subject. I needed to get in and get out,"So do I just put the rock on their chest or is there anything special I need to do once I get into the crypt?"

"Just place it in their mouth then head for the surface. I'll be here waiting".

"Okay", I gulped. "How do I know if I picked the right people?"

"You won't. If you gave me a little more time we can go over who our top picks could be. But you're really rushing into this".

I know.

"Tell me yours".

"I can't. Something this big has to be your decision. Whoever you pick it'll be for a reason. Whether it's the fates or destiny, leaving brought to this moment for a reason. You'll make the right choice, I know you will", he nodded.

So no pressure...

I told myself to be strong. This would only be the first of many challenges. I braced myself, closing my eyes as I breathed- in and out, in and out. At last, as I told myself it wasn't actually happening, I jumped into the black pit, almost screaming as I did. It felt like a never ending darkness. There was nothing around me to grasp, and so I only kept my eyes shut, afraid of what I would see. Of what creatures may be looking back at me, waiting to strike and devour me.

I landed with a thud on a long marble floor, looking around to gauge my surroundings. There was no one there. Just more never ending darkness. I sat up and patted myself down, still having to tell myself that it was okay. That I would be okay.

I had only been able to take a few steps before I heard laughter. Joyful, free-spirited laughter, laced with poison and hatred beneath. I looked around, already braced to fight. She appeared as she floated downwards, a woman with dark flowing black hair that merged with the night, cruel, haunted purple eyes, and a dress that bellowed against winds that didn't exist. She landed without a sound on the ground, and I studied her, wondering who she was.

"Well hello, there, little demigod." She said. The cynicism in her tone already made me want to strangle her. I only stared at her, unwilling to move or say a word. "What are you doing here, hmm?" She said with a melodic voice.

I cleared my throat and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Aite, of course",I didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she was a god. The god of what and I had no idea.

Found (The Olympus Brotherhood Saga #4)Where stories live. Discover now