I Know Talent When I See It

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Chapter 45


Before I can go anywhere I had to get my shoes and wallet. Once I found those basic things it wasn't long before I was walking into a crowded Walmart. I mindlessly grabbed a cart and as soon as I hit the food section I started loading up on everything.

As I moved into the cereal aisle I hit something not paying attention. "Even getting food is a simple task. Confections from all over the world in one singular place. Marvelous".

"It's just grocery shopping ", I exhaled hard grabbing every kind of cereal available.

"Or we can call it when it truly is a temporary escape to an ever-growing problem?" Christian said with a raised eyebrow. "I'm assuming the wedding hand has changed over the centuries?"

Christian raised his right hand to show a simple silver band on his third finger,"Nothing gets past you".

"I do have an eye for details", Christian moved out of the way and as I started to push my cart forward he stayed by my side with his hands behind his back. "That's another thing you didn't mention".

"Nobody wants to hear about my marriage. It's not that important", I said grabbing every version of Lucky Charms cereal.

"Was it a marriage of convenience?"

"There was nothing easy or convenient about it" I said not expecting that as I leaned against the bar of the cart and pushed it forward.

"You're angry with him, Damon?"

"I'm not. There's nothing to be angry at, Damon is Damon. And I don't expect him to change", I said if we moved into the canned goods section.

"So not angry but absolutely livid by your grip", Christian commented making me look down at the bar that I had squeezed so hard it left an imprint of my hand. "No one ever said marriage was easy".

"You're supposed to start off good. At least for the first few months. It's not supposed to get hard this quick", I've vented throwing the biggest bag of pasta into my cart.

"I was 17 when I married my wife. Eliana was 15, the first year was the beyond challenging. There were some days I just would walk around the ground s in the pool and rain just to live out some frustration. I looked like a madman doing laps around the property".

"But you loved her", I asked.

"Wildly. But it didn't start that way. She could twist her face in a way that made my blood boil. You could tell she what she wanted to say with just one look--- one disapproving look. It drove me absolutely mad".

"I need to take notes from her", I responded.

"You would have liked Eliana. Not a single soul could say anything ill about her. She was fiercely passionate. It was the Scottish in her", he bubbled.

"Aren't you English? I don't think the 15th century was exactly a melting pot".

"Proudly. Eliana was from a family of ten: seven girls and three boys. Her father was an merchant who had to come to Jarrow selling wears. It took only one look in her green eyes and I was smitten. I was so shaken by her beauty I couldn't even speak to her. But once I gathered my courage. I asked for a meeting with her father and by the end of it the marriage was set the dowry was paid".

I wanted to interject and say he had basically bought his wife. But this was his love story and it was normal back then. Even though they were both children. At 15 I was still watching Nickelodeon and desperately trying to get my permit. I think marriage was the last thing on my mind. "When you live happily ever after".

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