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Chapter 52


"Who's a precious little baby?", I cooed rocking this little bundle of joy in the nursery of Haven. The baby smile was as sweet as a summer strawberry and filled me with a sunshine I never knew existed in the world. "You are. Yes, you are".

High Elder Favian wanted to meet us here in the nursery of all places. Not that I was complaining. I got to hold little Henry which made us both happy. His green eyes were so brilliant and tiny hands were more delicate than slik. He feels so light, looks so perfect and smells so divine. I wanted to drink this moment. Henry cooed back to me excitedly chewing on his fist,"Children are a great gift, don't you agree".

"A blessing", I cheered. High Elder Favian sat on the footstool of the rocking chair perfectly content in a white polo and khaki slacks. Damon stood by door hypervigilant as if one of the 12 babies in here were about to attack,"Did you call me here to show off your newborns?"

Weird flex... but okay.

"No. I strongly believe that seeing a child this young, pure and innocent reminds people why we do the things we do. The decisions we make today will affect children like Henry come tomorrow. I hope this softens your heart so that we can make systemic change".

High Elder Favian held my ovaries in his hands. How could I say no to this little baby. He looked up to me like I was the entire world,"Well played. I know I'm being emotionally manipulated but I don't care".

"At least you are aware", High Elder Favian said wetting his lips.

"So let's get to the point", I said lightly bouncing Henry up and down as he was experimenting with his voice.

"I hope that our past actions do not impede the future. We can and will do better under new leadership".

"Who's leading, now?"

"I am", I wasn't expecting that. Thanks for that tidbit of information Damon.


"I wouldn't be so quick to congratulate. No one wanted this position not right now", admitted with a hard laugh.

"I can't imagine it's easy. But you're doing a good job so far. You want to talk", Henry was starting to get fussy and I could tell he was hungry. I used my air element to float over one of the bottles on the nightstand and warmed it up in the palm of my hand. He greedily except at the bottle,"You turned Damon into a spy".

"According to?"

"Do we really want to play these games?" I said with a deadness in my voice,"You expect me to believe that my die-hard husband just overnight changed his entire worlds point of view? Don't play me for stupid---"

"Freya", Damon interjected offended.

"It's true", I turn my attention back to High Elder Favian,"It is true, correct?"

"Yes. You're setting a dangerous precedent. But I would like to get straightened out".

"We're not dangerous", I clarified.

"You are. I hate to quote The Order but there is a 'natural hierarchy' that you've disrupted".

"By being born?" I challenged.

"I hardly think threatening the archons into behaving is a case of just being born?" I stopped bouncing Henry surprised that he knew what was going on with The Order,"Our reach is far and never growing".

"That happened this morning".

"Do you think The Order doesn't have spies among us?"

"Tit for tat...wonderful".

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