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Chapter 27


I was not feeling like a blast in the past would do me any good. But I really didn't have to say in when these trips happened. Maybe my mind needed an escape. Or maybe this was something I needed to see just like I made myself remember what happened in Atlantis. Either way I was here now back in Ariadne's body just a long for whatever ride she was going to take me on.

I could tell from the salt water in the air and the endless blue sky and ocean we were on a boat. Ariadne stumbled to the edge of the wooden vessel, and with each step her stomach tightened and ached all the more. She kept swallowing, and her throat kept clenching, but no matter what she could not stop the warm feeling rising through her chest. Then she could taste it at the back of her mouth. Constance buckled over. A warm, clouded, cream coloured liquid spilled from her mouth, and sizzled as it splashed over broad.

"Let it all out, sweet child", Queen Harmonia said gently rubbing Ariadne's back has she hung like a lifeless doll over the boat.

"What's worng with her", a sweet voice asked. I knew it was Basil from the way Ariadne rolled her eyes.

"Just a bit of seasickness. Ariadne has never a fan of the sea even since she was a little girl", Harmonia explained as Ariadne focused on the relatively calm water. Her eyes focused on a pool of bubbles forming just below us.

The hell is that?

And even though the boat was moving forward the bubbles followed until the watery head of a woman sprung forward. This creature was made completely of water and reached out her hand to Ariadne as if to tempt her down.

Without a second thought Ariadne called up her air element and slashed the creature in half reducing it back to nothing but water and bubbles. Well this was not good! She was so calm about it too as if this happened everyday! Even in the past Poseidon couldn't just leave me alone!

"Ooo", Basil said climbing up the edge of the boat to lean over with Ariadne as if to mimic her.

Ariadne turned her head to the smiling boy and frowned,"You dare make a mockery of me".

Against what every fiber of her being was telling her Ariadne lifted herself up and plopped herself down on the wooden deck. She watched the hustle and bustle of the boat with a keen eye on each of the crewmates. "Queen Mother, is this it?"

Idylla asked running over to us with brown and gold sack. Another wave of sickness hit Ariadne but she forced it down.

"That is the very one", Harmonia took the bag and showered Idylla with compliments that she just seen to eat up. "Open"

Ariadne opened her mouth obediently and her mother placed a mint leaf on her tongue,"Suckle and your belly will feel peace".

"A storm is coming", Ariadne pouted.

"Is that your new fixation?" Theo said walking up to Ariadne,"at first it was thieves now it's a storm. Does your mind know, no peace?"

My heart couldn't help but melt at Damon. His cocky grin and swagger was enough to make any girl swoon except Ariadne. He leaned against the side of the ship staring down at us,"I smell it in the air".

Oh shit.

Air was definitely her element so if Ariadne was feeling or smelling a storm on the way, was I about to live through her death?

"There's not a cloud in the sky or a wave in the sea Poseidon smiles at us on our journey", well that was bullshit.

"You act as if the gods aren't fickle", area they said feeling another wave of sickness roll through her body. She sucked on the leaf a little harder and closed her eyes resting her head on the wooden board behind her.

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