Shall We?

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Chapter 19


Stood at the at gates of Tartarus looking up at the caved entrance that would take me to my revenge. I could feel the Veil breaking from my creations.

Tonight would be the night.

"Nyx", Erebus cried behind me. I wish you didn't recover so quickly,"What are you doing? We had a plan".

"Plans change", I answered as few bits of rubble fell down.

"Don't be a fool", he stated as I felt a strong hand come crashing down on my shoulder,"What are you going to do take the whole of darkness through a single hole?"

"If need be".

"You're just pissing them off before we even get to the surface. You've waited a lifetime and then some what is..."

Erebus's voice died as we both saw a single speck of light shine down. Excitement course through my veins as I stepped into the light for the first time since my banishment to Tartarus. A single ray rested on my forehead calming and reinforcing me.

Today was the day.


I screamed bloody murder as I twisted and fell spiraling down to Earth. I couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down until my body collided into soft... Scales? I did myself no favors landing right on my head. But, it didn't hurt. I sat myself up and came face to face with,"Onyx!"

His black eyes turned a ruby red as he stuck his tongue out around me as if sniffing the air,"Someone had a growth spurt".

Onyx was easily the size of two airplanes coiled around me like a cinnabon. I heard a boom break the sound barrier as Damon started his descent,"Catch him!"

I probably could land on my head a couple thousand more times. I don't think Damon would be so lucky to walk away from it.Understanding me Onyx shout out into the sky as if to attack elongating its mouth, bearing its fangs and snapped Damon up,"NO! DON'T HURT HIM! I said catch not attack!"

Onyx had so nicely cocooned itself around me for a soft landing. I started to climb out of this nest when his head came back opening up to reveal an unharmed and uneaten Damon.

Thank God.

Damon was visibly shaken as I came to stand by him I helped him up wrapping my arm around his waist wanting him to lean on me if he needed it. "How did you get us here?"

"I just teleported like I normally do", I answered as he stood up. Onyx positioned himself behind me still tonguing the air around me.

"That's new? Only gods should be able to move between their realms and Earth".

"And me too", I was going to have to test out my new found abilities. "And Cosimo had to get here somehow".

Damon took a deep breath before finally saying,"Let's not just trust him completely just yet".

"Really? He single-handedly held the earth open so I could get you. If he was going to betray us he could have just let us get sealed behind the Veil. And he's on your side, The Brotherhood trusts him".

"Which is all fine". Damon close the distance between us cupping my cheek and making me melt into his touch,"But you're the other half of my soul. I know you, I know myself and my team. I don't know Cosimo".

"But you're going to be open to getting to know him, right?"in the entire world there's only Damon, Cecilia,Cosimo and me. We're the only demigods left. If we can't trust each other we sure as hell can't trust anyone else.

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