My Only Concern

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Chapter 5


"This habit of breaking my coffee tables is never going to stop is it?" My mother asked as I sat naked in a porcelain white tub. On her knees in a blood red dress she washed my blood from my hair. Thankfully, she was able to save Damon and Cosimo. Even though she wanted to focus on me first I begged her with my last bit of energy to help them. Of course she saved them how many times has she saved me.

I wasn't nearly as banged up as Cosimo or Damon. I had three gash wounds from the claws on my leg and pounding headache that she swore would go away in a few hours.

God bless pills... and Ares's healing waters.

I found it hard to focus on anything my mother said I was too focused on my failure. I should have listened to Damon. I rushed in and it almost cost Cosimo and Damon their lives. My mom poured a buckle of warm water on me and proudly stated,"There all clean".

"Thank you", I whispered.

A few more hours in the tub and my legs would be completely heal. My elements on the other hand... I didn't know when that was going to come back.

A white fluffy towel was thrown over my head as my mother tried to work the water out of my hair. When she was finished with it she tossed it to the floor and sprayed something into my hair and started combing out my knots. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs,"Is Ares here?"

"Yes, this is his domain", she answered lightly.

"Did you tell him?" I asked with a sinking feeling in my gut. The way Cosimo was so broken she had to have seen his birthmark.


"Are you going to tell him?" I pressed.

"My only concern is you, Freya", she quicky changed the subject,"Braid or ponytail?"

"Braid", I answered.

"I don't know why I even ask. You've always liked having two French braids. Do you remember that from when you were little?" I could hear my mother smiling as she worked with my hair.

"Yes", I said dejected.

"All that's missing is your little red cape", from days when I believed I could be Superman.

"Is Damon going to be okay?"

"They'll both live and make full recoveries. I have the servant girls watching over them in the meantime", she responded.

"When can I see him?"

"He's not awake and you won't be walking for a few hours", she stated. She paused before exhaling hard. "We do need to have a chat...about him and the new...friendships you've made".

She finished braiding my hair and kiss my head like she always did when I hurt myself. My mother stood up and sat on the edge of the tub,"We're not having sex if that's the friendship you're talking about".

"I know you're not", it's good to know even my mother thinks I can't get laid,"It's this Bonding thing. It leaves you to exposed. We had a plan, you were working towards goals and---"

"Damon asked me to marry him. I said yes", I watched a hundred different emotions play across her face. It was as if my words had stunned the life out of her,"Well don't act to surprised".

"I...don't...when... NO!".

"Why not? He already knows about me. Damon accepts me, and loves every part of me. What is there to hide?" I asked genuinely wanting to know.

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