An Act

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Chapter 14


I had to bring Freya somewhere I didn't mind getting destroyed so the training room made the most sense. For her age and skill set I set up a punching bag that she Drew a face on for her to try and knock down. We were currently trying to blow up her imaginations version of Odin. And in Freya's mind he was a pirate with an eyepatch crossed with some horrific version of Santa Claus. We spent about an hour trying to get her to focus on her fire element to hit the target. She did eventually hit the mark only by accident by burping. That was good enough for me. The rubber on the floor had been burnt from her failed attempts along with the walls, the only thing left salvageable was a few dumbbells.

"I did it!" She cheered jumping up and down.

She wasn't wrong,"Yes".

If she were anyone else I would say now do it again. But I didn't plan on dying in this room." What other games do you play?"

"We are not playing we're training",I clarified.

"This feels like playing", she said turning to face me with red cheeks.

"Then you are not training hard enough".

"Oh you're no fun", she said crossing her arms with a frown.

"These are skills you will use over the course of your lifetime. This is not meant to be fun. If you would..." I lost my train of thought as I watched her start to levitate slowly beyond her control upside down until she hit the ceiling. I felt as if I should get her down but at the same time if she fell 40 feet it wouldn't kill her but could scare her into focusing more,"Now, how will you get down".

"I don't know", she said spider crawling around the ceiling until eventually she hit a side vent.

"You got yourself up there. Now you bring yourself down", I said proud of my answer. I can parent too.

"Okay", she unhinged her jaw and bit into the metal vent creating an opening just big enough for her to crawl through. I heard the sound of laughter before the banging of her body in the metal tube. "Hey, there's that boy! Hi!"

"Freya come back and focus on the task at hand!" I scolded.

"Were you sleeping?" I heard her ask completely ignoring me. Two could play at this game. I made my way out of the training room and two doors down I found freya's Focus point.

That boy.

His face was laced with confusion as he stood near the far side wall looking up to the vent where Freya had made herself comfortable. Clearly she had woken him up from a dead to sleep from his disheveled hair and only flannel pants.

"My lord", he said with bow.

Who put him down here?

Probably one of the servant girls. I didn't entertain much so this room only had the bare basics: wooden king size bed, some dressers, a desk with a lamp and a loveseat in the corner. You didn't need much else but from Eva's time here I was learning you can always have more.

Ignoring him I pushed him out of the way,"Hey, that's not nice".

"I do not care. Get out of there, now", I stormed.

"You're being mean again",

"I'm losing my patience, you test me now get out of---"

Freya let out a dainty sneeze and without warning an explosion of fire and heat bursted out of the wall reducing it to nothing but rubble and scorch marks. She shook the house to its core,"HELP! Its melting on me! MOMMY!!!"

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