Love Letter

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Chapter 46


"Damon?" I shouted as I teleported directly into the apartment. I stood in the middle of the dark living room. The penthouse looked empty and something was burning.

I headed into the kitchen wishing I didn't take as much time getting ready. But I desperately needed to shower and shave. Because of everything went according to my plan smooth legs was a must.I did not mean to take the extra ten minutes to put curls in my hair but I wanted to make an effort. I was going to have to get all of my clothes from Roman's house so I was dressed as nicely as I could be and a pair of oversized sweatpants and a white crop top Cosimo had given me from his lost and found collection.

The meeting had only taken three hours to get everything straightened out. Which was good. But I'm pretty sure we got everything straightened out after the first hour. The next two hours were just semantics that Cosimo was going to take care of anyway. He was going to call in every favor he had accumulated over his entire life and get everyone in the same room together. I did not envy his job.

I had it to the kitchen through the dining room and my heart melted as soon as I came in the doorway. The dining table was set for two with two standing candles and a  white linen tablecloth. I walked over to the setting and saw a pink sticky note put on one of the plates.

Never cooked before.
Burnt it.
Going to get food.

That would explain the burning smell. I couldn't help but smile. At least Damon tried which meant the world. I headed into the kitchen and switched on the air vent and started opening the windows in the house.

It wouldn't be long before place air down. I came back into the living room and threw myself on the couch. All of Paris was asleep so there was nothing to do but wait for Damon to come back. We would have two whole days together and then we would both have to go back to reality. I stretched out on my back and looked over to the coffee table that was littered with notebook paper; some had a bunch of scratch marks on them and others were bald up and thrown on the floor. Curious I picked up one of the pages on the coffee table.

I am not a poet but I want you to know you are the prettiest girl.... most beautiful woman I've ever met.

There was more to the letter but it was all scribbled out. I picked up another sheet of paper wnd read:

So glad we're together.

I couldn't help but laugh. It was short sweet and to the point. I picked up one of the crumbled pieces of paper and found it was much longer.

I am so completely in love with you, Freya. I wake up every day with you in my heart. I know things have been the smoothest but I want you to know I am so lucky and honored to be in love with you. I love and cherish you more than I did yesterday but not more than I will tomorrow. I can’t explain the way you make me feel when I hear your voice or see your face, but I adore it. Loving you is the best thing that has ever happen to me.

I love you.

I LIKE you. All of you. Even the parts that drive me mad.

I love your eyes.

I like how they are the perfect shade of winter grey and determine to run into every situation full of conviction.

I love your voice.

I like how I don't have to guess what you're thinking and it's always there in the back of my mind like a soft summer rain.

Found (The Olympus Brotherhood Saga #4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora