I Told You

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Chapter 4


"...and another thing, Tobias." I didn't even care about reconciliation anymore, I was just working through a bunch of shit I was holding on to. I had called out everything and everyone that ever rubbed me the wrong way. I could tell everyone was more than exhausted with me, but they had to listen, "Do you remember that time when we were eight and a bunch of us snuck into the Madam's place?"

"Yeah, why?" He said what the roll of his eyes.

"Not cool man, you tattled on us and I'll never forget the fucking lunges we had to do- "

"Help! Help!" That plea for help brought me back to reality as Cecilia rushed back into the room visibly shaking and out of breath, "The sky has ripped in half!"

I rushed over to Cecilia's side as everyone else rushed to the windows to see exactly what she was talking about. She panted as she tried to speak, "What happened?"

"There... there are more..."

"More what?" I asked as she dragged me back to the door she had just burst through.

Cecilia quickly checked the area before barely above a whisper getting me caught up on everything that has been happening with Freya, Damon and somebody named Cosimo, "He's up to something and it's going to get Freya killed. They went to Keno!"

I was starting to see how things weren't adding up. Why come out of hiding now? Clearly this guy has survived much worse. Why reveal yourself now knowing the consequences? "I'm glad you didn't go with him."

A horrible deep growl echoed through the whole house, shaking the very foundation of the house. Windows blew out, chandeliers fell, crashing down to earth like lightning, it was hard to even keep my balance. I held on to Cecelia doing my best to use my body as her shield when the doors behind us were thrown open and every person that was just in the room raced out. Cecelia screamed, "What happened?!"

"Shade!" Someone yelled as half of the house caved in under a mighty rock. Desperate cries for help echoed throughout the now small space as I tried to pull Cecilia to the front door. Her body froze in shock as the fire alarm sounded and hail-like water beat at her face.

The rock-like object lifted itself again to reveal it wasn't a rock but a small portion of a hand. It rose up revealing the squashed remains of all those unfortunate enough to be in its way. Like a child playing with ants, it was nothing for this creature to be covered in blood.

"Cecelia, we have to move," I said pulling her to her feet. The way her eyes widened and her face shook, I could tell she was in shock and probably couldn't hear a word I was saying. That didn't stop me from dragging her to safety. The destruction didn't stop as the hand started to drag itself towards us. There was no way I could outrun this thing and keep Cecilia safe. I wrapped her in my arms and braced for impact.

We were thrown forward and I fully expected to be crushed to death but the unknown weight never came. "Oh my God!"

I pushed myself up off Cecilia and took in my new surroundings. Marble white floors, a decadent grand staircase that lead to at least five different floors and a giant chandelier that was bigger than most trucks hung in the room. I bust up and helped Cecilia to her feet only to be pushed away by that woman, the MILF.

Freya's mother.

She was dressed elegantly in rich red materials that draped across her body and a crown a golden leaves adorned her head. Her hair was long just like Freya's but curled in dark brown, "Are you okay?"

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