So There's More

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Where do broken hearts go? Did I go home and cry my eyes out to my mother and let her know that my marriage of less than a week was over? Did I go back to the order just to have a roof over my head? Ultimately I went to the castle Cosimo was keeping the guys at and stayed planted on the couch hugging a pillow ugly crying, in a baggie jogging suit.

And everyone left me alone except Cosimo who checked on me four times a day just to see if he could get me anything. I did get the odd request from Alexander every once in awhile to stop shaking the castle. When I lived on the couch for a week completely shut off from everything and everyone. Cosimo said he even fixed up a room for me. But in my heart I felt like I didn't deserve a room. I deserved to be miserable on this couch.

"Can I come in?" My head popped off of the couch and in the massive entry way I saw Christian. He looked well adjusted in black sweatpants and a white short sleeve t-shirt. I wanted to say sure. But I just ended up moaning like the idea of talking to people was too much or my body couldn't physically open my mouth to answer his question. "I am deeply sorry for the pain you're in".

"I asked for it", I said surprising myself. "If it ever came between me and Damon's true love I didn't stay at a chance".

"And his true love is a murderous cult from what I've been told?" That made me smile a little bit. I set up feeling heavy and Christian came and sat down next to me; keeping his distance at the very far end of the couch. That made me wonder--- how did I smell? I looked homeless I probably smelled that way too. I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was trying to get a whiff of myself,"I'm not keeping my distance because you offend. I would not want someone to walk in and question your virtue."

"That's not really a thing anymore. Girls and boys can be alone with each other", I said trying to wipe my face clean with my sleeve.

"This modern world is so fascinating. We have all the comfort and luxuries of a king yet it's common everyday occurrences", he smiled.

"If you think a light switch is amazing. Wait until you see a smartphone", I stated. Christian held out a handkerchief to me.

"I don't want to ruin it", the white cotten embroidered handkerchief looked so delicate and nice. It didn't need my boogers and snot on it.

"It's made for ruining. I insist", I took his handkerchief and blew my nose at least I didn't sound congested now.

"Thank you. I'll wash it and give it back", I promised.

"Keep it as long as you need. It's only cotton", he smiled warmly.

"So what have you guys been up to?" I asked genuinely wanting to know something else was going on besides my own self-destruction and pain.

"Mostly Cosimo has been trying to get us caught up about the new world. Showing us on a square box the history of the world".

I sniffled,"A computer?"

"I believe that's what it's called. It's a wondrous magical feet. You can explore all the corners of the world from this one box. What would have taken a lifetime of exploration and adventure you can do from the comfort of your home".

"Yeah, that's a computer".

"So much to see and do it''s..."

"Wonderful", I interjected. "Wait until you see a TV".

"Yes, another square with people in it! Like a play", Christian said getting excited.

"Do you want to watch TV with me?" I could desperately use the company.

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