A Problem for Another Day

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Chapter 53



"Freya", I said blocking her view before we went down a dark path that only led to more heartache for her. "We've already been through this. He's dead".

"He has the the quarter! My quarter!" She exclaimed.

"So he found a pretty coin and you're willing to bet that this kid...is...the one?"

"Yes! out of all the rocks and quarters nickels and dimes he picked up the one that I used to find him. It's him I know it", Freya stressed. I knew she wanted to believe it and I knew her intentions were good. But a lot of things didn't add up,"Ezra is six what or seven years old. You weren't in Atlantis that long".

"But Cecilia was! And time didn't work the same down there", She breathed,"I know I sound crazy and you want to probably commit me. But I know, I know in my heart that Erza is mine!"

"He's not your he's---" I cut myself off as I saw one of the teacher aids coming around the corner. This was definitely not a conversation to have in the middle of a crowd at hallway. I quickly took Freya's hand and teleported us back to the apartment in Paris. We landed in the living room. It was the only place we were going to get an ounce of privacy.

I could tell Freya was both elated and overwhelmingly worried. And she moved back and forth between one end of the room to the next,"I know you want to believe---"

"I know it's true! Don't gaslight me", She exclaimed throwing her hands up.

"I believe you believe it's true. And even if he is, what can either one of us do right now?"

"Great, you sound just like my mother", She shot back.

"I'm not. I'm being realistic. Ezra is safe at Haven".

She rolled her eyes and gave me a sarcastic laugh,"Being constantly bullied and excluded? What a life".

"Kids are assholes".

"And that excuses it?" No, but it explains it.

"Can we just focus on one problem at a time? We have so much that already needs attention. Do you really think now is the time to add a child into the mix?"

"It's never going to be the right time for us! It never is for anyone. I'm not going to let you convince me that Ezra isn't Cecilia's. They have the same blue eyes and brown hair. He needs us. Two people who are just like him. He deserves love and affection".

"What do you think happens at Haven? His teachers, classmates pod mothers all of these people are going to give him the affection and care he needs. He's not an orphan He has a community built around him to build him up", I explained.

"To make him into a soldier for The Brotherhood".

I love my wife.

I love my wife.

I love my wife. I had to keep saying that over and over in my head. Because I do. I love the fact that Freya has an incredibly big and warm heart. It was just frustrating that absolute shit out of me right now.

"Tell me what you want. Because I'm already losing this fight".

"We are not fighting!" I could have swore we were.

"Then what is this?!" I shouted back.

"I don't want any demigod to grow up alone! And you can't understand that because you've never been alone! You have always had someone, you've had your brother, friends, a purpose, goals and you've achieved at all! You have no idea what it's like to always be on the outside looking in. You have no idea how lonely and belittling it is to grow up that way".

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