I Listened

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Chapter 15


I know I shouldn't have lingered. I knew that they were having a private conversation, but I had to know what was their plan if Freya and Cecilia were stuck this way.

I was bonded to four year old.

I was worried Freya's personality could change from now until she was her normal age again. Ares could decide to just keep her here in his realm forever. Eva could hide her away again. I heard footsteps approaching the door and quickly made my way upstairs walking as silently as the dead. I ran up the curved marble staircase taking the steps two at a time,"Hi".

O gods no.

I looked up the spiral leaning over the banister until I saw a Freya's head peeking through the railing,"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"No", she giggled clearly lying.

"Hmmm, so I didn't hear your mother say go to bed?"

"Yes, but I'm already in trouble so it doesn't matter. Where are you going?" Freya ask racing down the stairs taking them one at a time to my side.

"To bed", I said passing her. But like a shadow she followed closely behind me. I reached the second level and started trying any doors that would unlock.

"Which room is your?"

"I don't know yet", I said zigzagging from left to right trying each door handle.

"You can sleep in my room", she offered.

"Absolutely not", I said picking up speed.

"Oh....do you want Cecilia's room?"

"No. No. No, they'll be no room sharing", God's I wish I was better with kids.

"Why are you running away? I want to be your friend!"

"Because you are a child, and I'm a grown man", my answer did not deter her if anything it made her run faster and latch onto my leg. She had an iron grip so tight I was sure she could just pop it off.

"You're the only person like me. I don't want you to go away", I could feel my heart softening at her words. And I felt sadness. No matter what my relationship with Roman was at least I had someone like me in my childhood. I was never alone, we were different not just me. I don't imagine it's a good feeling to be alienated at such a young age. To know you're different.

Gently I unhooked her hands from around my leg. I knelt down so we were almost eye level,"I'm not going anywhere, just to bed. We can't all be so lucky to not need sleep".

"Are you going to be here in the morning?" she asked with round eyes.


She pointed to the white wooden door behind me,"In there?"

"I can't get the door open".

"You can just melt it down", she stated as if it was a common fact.

"That's an abuse of my abilities then. And I don't want to destroy your dad---"

Without even thinking. Marched over to the door and with one firm punch knocked the door off of its hinges,"So this is your room, and when I come back in the morning you'll be here?"

I stood up unable to comprehend what just happened. I knew demigods could be strong but seeing it in real life was something else, "I think thats a storage room".

"I could try another one?" she said holding up her fist.

"Please don't. I'll just keep trying doors", I shuffled off with Freya right behind me asking questions a mile a minute.

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