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Chapters 33


Cosimo agreed to meet after he got some sleep and finished his shift patrolling around Haven.I walk into the crowded bar Cosmo had agreed to meet me at that wasn't far from Haven, The Dark Ship. The bar is hundreds of conversations told in loud voices, all of them competing with the rock music that dominates the atmosphere. The crowd is older working class people just looking for a good time after a long day of work. I make my way through the warm bodies to order a drink - Moscato.

Once I had my drink I sat at the bar and waited. Minutes became hours and day became night. I started to wonder if Cosimo was even going to show up. But I stayed planted in my stool and waited. Yes that was about to let my mind go blank I felt a hand on my back that made me straighten,"Sorry, I'm late I know. but I had about a thousand different things I had to do before I could get away".

Cosimo flopped down hard on the stool next to me. The bartender came over and asked him what he wanted and Cosimo only said water. I could tell he just finished whatever Haven wanted him to do and came immediately to me. He wore black long tactical pants and a tan, long sleeve dry fit shirt. His gray eyes were darker the way mines got when I was stressed out,"I know you're busy, and you have 101 other things going on---"

"Freya, it's fine. You need me I'm here. What's going on?"

The bartender brought Cosimo his water before disappearing to help another patron. I knew the story I was going to tell Cosimo. But it wouldn't be the complete truth. I promise my mother I wasn't going to tell anyone about what happened to Cecilia. And I wasn't,"I made myself remember things Poseidon had locked away. I remember everything that happened in Atlantis".

Cosimo frowned,"There's more?"

"A... lot ...more", I struggled to say. These next few seconds would either pass as a blip in the course of my life, or they would be the final trauma that broke me. I could see worry looping around Cosimo face.

"You don't have to tell me what happened if you're not ready", he simply stated as he stared forward taking a sip of water from his glass. "If you want to talk; I'm here. If you just want to sit; I'm here for that too. Let it happen in your own time".

"Thank you", I barely whispered. I didn't want to lie to Cosimo he didn't deserve it. So I asked a fear that had been swimming in the back of my mind,"I need to know if I have any children wandering around that Poseidon made me have. My memory isn't 100% clear. But I remember...being breed".

Cosimo didn't say anything for a long while but I could see his body was tense,"Family can always find family. There is a way..."


"I just feel like I need to warn you", he said finally turning to face me,"breeding can have in a couple different ways. If you're looking for a baby you may not find a child but some kind of creature".

"I know. I still want to know", I answered.

"Okay. The only way for family to find family is by blood magic. I'm old as hell, so I don't believe the myth of it being taboo. Because I just don't. I've used the spell enough to know there's nothing evil about the practice. As long as you're not doing it every day you shouldn't have any problems", Cosimo reach into his pocket and pulled out two quarters,"I've heard of women using menstrual blood but I think a prick from the finger will do the job. Cut your thumb, wipe the blood on the head side of the quarter, sandwich the two coins together and then wrap your fist around the coins. Take your thumb and run a line of blood across your knuckles. Use your fire element to melt the coin until it's nothing but liquid. Let it run down your fingers into the Earth and it'll point you to your kin".

Cosimo drop the quarters into my hand, he gave me a small sad smile and asked,"I would ask if you want company but I feel like this is a private matter".

"I got it from here. Thank you", I stood up ready to find my niece and nephew that will stop short

"What's your plan if you find a child?" He asked.

"I'm not going to abandon it if that's what you're asking. And I'm not going to hurt it if you're inferring that", I clarified.

Cosimo stood up and I could see in his head he was struggling to find the right words to say to me,"That's not what I'm asking. It takes a village to raise a child. And a lot of people are depending on you to stop Nyx and you really want to put this kind of a target in Herculean task on yourself right now?"

"You sound like my mother", I snapped. "I'll make it work".

"I'm not saying that you can't. I'm saying you're going to need help. I'm not trying to offend you, Freya. I'm trying to get you to understand if you find this child do you think the gods aren't going to have a reaction to that? Do you think Poseidon is just going to let his bastard walk around freely with the God killer that got him imprisoned?"

"So what? I'm not just going to let someone like us just be thrown away like trash", I explained not wanting to be told I was wrong anymore I stormed out of the bar with Cosimo right behind me.I made it as far as the parking lot before Cosimo teleported in front of me.

"I agree. I'm saying, you need to do some nesting before you just get the child if they're even out there. You need to make sure, you have allies who are going to stand with you and help you protect your child. Because you won't be able to do it alone. You need a roof over your head that isn't controlled by The Brotherhood or The Order. You need stability for the child's sake. Because I know from experience how awful it is to see your mother die in your arms as a child. I watched my own child watch as her mother disintegrated away until she wasn't even a shadow of her former self and then I watched helplessly as my own child died from sickness too young to experience any of life", he painfully explained. "The world isn't fair. But when you become a parent it's your job to make sure it is. It's your job to protect this person and give them the best possible outcome in life. I'm not saying you can't do this. I think you would be a fantastic mother. I am asking you to just... do it smartly".

"How do I do that?" I asked as rain floats in gentle waves, as if gravity is a soft music from the Earth, a sweet beckoning serenade. Each drop bequeathes itself unto the winter air.

Thunder rolled deeply throughout the sky,"Talk to your Beloved. Make sure your family is on board---"

"I can't do that", I said feeling chill to the bone,"I have no idea where Damon is at. my mother thinks I just need to forget about this and move on. I don't have any allies that don't want something from me first..." I'm so frustrated I can't help but cry. It is my tears that keep my soul alive in the furnace of this pain.

With open arms, Cosimo wrapped me up in a hug I desperately needed,"It's okay. Ssshhh, ssshhhh, it's okay. We're going to figure this out".

"Promise?" I questioned looking up to him.

"I promise", Cosimo vowed with a small smile. "Tonight we'll cry until you feel better. And tomorrow we'll plan. Sound good?"

I nodded yes.

We stayed suspended in silence just listening to the rain until I finally caused my eyes and just listened to the sound of Cosimo heartbeat. It was strong and steady and only reminded me of Damon.

At least tonight I had a one ally.

Found (The Olympus Brotherhood Saga #4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora