Hard Power/Soft Power

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Chapter 30


"I don't get it", I said trying to push away a growing migraine. "This isn't working together if you're still dividing everyone up".

Levi was a great teacher he listened to my ideas and tried to approve upon them but it's not like I was breaking new ground to begin with. We have been shut away in this basement for over 8 hours and I still felt like we weren't getting anywhere.

And I could tell even though Levi had the patiences of a saint I was starting to get on his nerves. I had about 200 books he wanted me to read and about 50 profiles on different gods and goddesses he wanted me to go over before the meeting. Levi stood in front of a smart board that look like a madman threw up every idea they ever had on it. "It's not not working together it's dividing and conquering playing to each side's strength".

"I get that", I frowned.

"Good, good", Levi said excited coming to sit back down in his chair,"Again it's not about having a plan per say it's about appealing everyone. If you can keep everyone happy for this meeting that will give us more time to come up with a real plan. And that means playing politics".

"We're fucked", I exhaled.

"No, You're coming off of a major win. This will be the first time the gods requested an audience not forced one. We can make this work", at least one of us was an optimist.

"How? Everyone has different expectations".

"So you exploit that. Zeus wants you under his thumb. There's no harm in playing to his desire. You and Hades are on good terms. You and Poseidon not so much", That's the understatement of the year. "at the end of the day you want everyone to work together whether it be the gods, The order or the brotherhood.It's fair to say everyone needs to stand together".

"Have I not been screaming that from the mountaintop?"

"Yes, but there's a way to do it. You're not going to change the system overnight. And you're definitely not going to do it with hard power", he explained.

"Hard power?"

"You can't make people forget everything that ever happened between us since the Great War. You can't make the gods care about Earth or anything outside of Olympus or themselves. You have to use soft power which means acting like a diplomat", Levi stated standing up and going back over to the smart board he started erasing everything we had gone over and made three categories on the board the gods, the Order and the Brotherhood. "Let's start with the gods what do they want?"

"Is it really what they want it's what Zeus wants", I hypothesized.

"Exactly, so what does Zeus want?"

"To save Olympus? Protect his kingdom still be the badass he thinks he is and wants everyone to give into his hype?" I question.

"Yes, Zeus doesn't want to be questioned. He's the king of Olympus the father of all creation---"

"Yeah and I still think we're all in this mess because of something he did! I just don't know what", I said leaning back in my chair.

"It's not important what he did it's important about what he can do", Levi said write a notes underneath the god section. "And what he can do is get the other gods on board to do whatever he wants done. You are going to need some key players Apollo, Hercules, Ares, Athena, Artemis and Hermes just to name a few. these are the players you're going to have to get from him to actually do anything".

"Great I have a grand total of two people that can actually stand me and they're not even on the list", not that Aphrodite could do much, I don't think Hera hated me. "I can ask my mom to talk to Ares?"

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