These Moments Don't Last Forever

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Chapter 10


I am a god!

Yet this five pound child had my eyes brimmed with tears and a quivering lip. I was utterly out of my depth. One of my servant girls came forwards and offered to take Cecilia, but I shook my head abruptly, and shouted,"I have to be able to cope with her! I have to!"

"Yes, my lord", The girl bowed stepping back. I never had to do any child-rearing with any of my children. But I assumed walking and bouncing around would comfort Cecilia. I had to do something she was losing her mind a fresh restart well all I can give her. Her arms became faster, grasping at the air with increased speed, her shrill cries were only broken by her gasping for breaths in-between. Her face was blotched and her little mouth stretched wide.

"Just an idea but have you---"

"Silence! If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it!" I snapped at Cecilia's play thing.

He did silence himself only for a moment. This annoying little shadow wouldn't shut up,"You're not holding her head right. Don't hold the head in the crook of your arm, move it up".

"I do not need your help or advice! I have torn men and a half with my bare hands and feasted upon their---"

"Dude, you're not going to intimidate me when it comes to Cecilia. I'm not going to let you fuck up her back because of your pride.  I've worked with kids a lot more then you have. If you want to do right by her, just listen", the boy stated.

"You're either very dumb or very brave".

"Not to brag but I think it's a mixture of both", he commented.

His smart-alecky mouth reminded me too much of Freya and it was that fact only that his head remained on his body. Not letting the boy see I did resituated Cecilia in that did seem to come her. Perhaps he wasn't the idiot he projected.

I kept walking and I felt a change in the air. The atmosphere, it was one charged, and filled with sweet senses almost otherworldly. Someone was here. I handed Cecilia off to the servant," Watch her".

I teleported to the shift only to find the other consort standing in front of Eva's door. The boy bowed but I demanded answers,"Who was here?"

"A woman, she didn't give her name", at least this one answers and shuts up.

"What did she want?" I searched the hallway.

"Nothing, she came and spoke nonsense and disappeared", I heard giggling and soft cooing on the other side of the door.

"A god?"

"If she was, I've never heard or seen her before", wonderful I couldn't help but think as I rolled my eyes.

I squeezed my hand into a fist until I heard bones pop. I heard a soft giggle in Eva's room.

"Who's a pretty baby?" One of the servant girls cooed. "O just the perfect little angel".

Others joined in and I pushed the boy in my way to side and opened the door. The scene in front of me was almost surreal. The girls all crowded around Freya who was happily giggling.

I don't think I've ever heard her not pissed at me. As I made my way over to the women the cooling stopped but Freya I did not stop laughing gumming on her fingers. In unison all of the women addressed me,"My lord".

"Where's Eva?"

The woman holding Freya simply stated,"She left".

"Where?" I demanded.

"She didn't say my Lord. She was just in a rush", I could not process what I had just heard. How could she leave? Eva didn't have any abilities and she in this is name but never leave Freya. So what happened? I was ready to solve this mystery with a fire lit under my ass.

"She told me to stay and watch", the boy at the door added. Because he's doing a fucking fantastic job of that. I started to turn away but I couldn't. There was something in freya's eyes that made me not going to turn away. I didn't know what I wanted to do so we just stared at each other. "Would you like to hold her my Lord?"




"She looks comfortable", I didn't want to ruin that.

"She's about ready for a nap", one girl commented.

And on cue Freya yawned still not taking her fingers out of her mouth. I sat down next to the woman perfectly holding Freya. There was a purity in her gaze, love, given and received... and I know in that moment without a word said inwardly or from my lips, that I love this baby and every other... it's natural, right? 

My heart became heavy as I hovered over my child. My blood.

Two daughters and I missed everything.

I missed this.

"Show me how to hold her", quickly the girl did. And after a few moments of struggling to get comfortable again prayer arrested knowingly in my arms in a way Cecilia didn't.

You look just like your mother.

And when she grows up she'll really be like her.

"These moments don't last forever", Eva said making me jump as she squeezed my shoulder gently before continuing,"But, you'll remember them well over a lifetime".

I twisted my body to look up and Eva," Where did..."

My voice cracked before dying out like I was some kind of child going through puberty. The woman standing before me was definitely Eva but more ethereal...almost divine. Her fingers were covered in gold rings, her arms plated and gold and and heavy looking Golden Earrings gripped down to her neck. The untrained eye would say her green gown was simply made but it couldn't be the farthest thing from it. The material was too fine, something that acted almost like a second skin something so luxurious I don't think even Hera could get her hands on it. A golden chain crossed her full breasts and held a feathery capelet. Eva's normal chocolate brown eyes shined golden only amplify by her now long dark brown hair. A golden Crown like band was decorated ornately with mistletoe silver and other fine gemes. "We need to talk".


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