I Needed...

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Chapter 6


I could tell Damon was healing but he had a long way to go. I already felt my strength coming back to me and my elements were good to go again. Sun rays come as nature's easel, giving brilliant colour to what was hidden even under the passing starlit night.

I was confused by this new light source. I gently put Damon back down in the water and swam to the edge to the edge of the pool only to use my water element to pull me out of the water and walk to the edge of the marble room. I looked down and saw ... everything.A dark blanket, contrasting with blacks and yellows, and the occasional white, which is shaped as a circle and sometimes a crescent. There are stars which dot the blanket in a intricate pattern.

This is space filled with brittle silence.

The Stars, the moon, Earth each of the planets all aligned in perfect symmetry constantly moving and a perfect projector.

Ares sure had one hell of a view.

I heard the creak of the door trying to open behind me,"Are you busy?:


I quickly teleported over to the door to help open it. This place wasn't exactly made for people who couldn't lift 50 lb doors. With these I threw the door open wide and she walked in and one of her white and flowery nightgowns with a matching robe and bedroom slippers ,"Your up late".

"I have no idea what time it is", I confessed as she researches rated my robe to cover up more of my chest. I didn't know I was letting everything hang out.

"It's quite late my dear. Why don't you rest for a bit?" She suggested.

"I'm not tired", and it's not like I would actually fall asleep even if I tried. How can I sleep  when  Damon needed me? I didn't want him to wake up alone.

"You're never tired. But you still need sleep". She looked over my shoulder and said,"He'll be here in the morning".

The same couldn't be said about Earth.

From my Grandma's critical eye I could tell my mother had already talked to her,"You wouldn't leave Grandpa if he were hurt".

"No. But I would realize that I would be no help to him if I were exhausted".

"I'm not exhausted", I countered. "And mom told you".

" I wasn't exactly told. But yes I know", here it comes," Freya, you know Evangeline only has your best interest at heart".

"Nothing quite scream love like telling someone you should spend the rest of your life alone. All eternity with no one".

"I have no problems whatsoever with you getting married starting a family of your own. It's the natural step in a young woman's life. And I know it must sound hypocritical for me to stand here and tell you you're rushing into things when I was married by nineteen. Times have changed dramatically. And we just want to make sure that this guy is on the up-and-up. What's wrong with a long engagement when you have as you said all eternity", she reasoned.

"Because the world could end literally in a couple hours", I saw her calm demeanor disappear as my grandmother's gray eyes bugged out. I quickly explained to her everything that was happening in Keno. And then I just launched into everything that had happened since Ares took my family away.

" Well you've been...busy", she struggled to say searching to find the right words.

"That's one way to put it. I can't leave Damon it's my fault he's here anyway", I confessed. I felt like a failure because I was one. I couldn't help but run my fingers over my face wishing I could claw through my skin. My grandmother and I always had this agreement that I could tell her anything no matter how bad it was. And she always listen to me I never made me feel like I was in trouble. I needed that unconditional love right now I wanted it more than ever,"Nana, I don't know how to explain it but... I know Damon and I are meant to be together. I'm not saying it because of hormones or anything else. I just when I think of forever I can't not see him there with me. Honestly he could choose any girl. It wouldn't be hard for him to find someone less complicated but he chose me. He only came to Keno for me and look where it got him. I mess up everywhere else. I'm not messing up this".

My grandmother took my face in between her hands and pulled my forehead towards her lips and gently kiss me,"You do not mess up everywhere. We're doing your best and I don't see anyone else coming up with any great ideas".

"It's not enough. It never is enough. And now... everything is ruined and we've run out of time".

"Freya, you worry to much. You'll stress yourself into an early grave. I'm sure Ares has a plan for all of this. War is kind of his thing. Just let him handle it", grandma suggested.

I couldn't help but laugh hard,"Because he has such a great record of stepping up. By the time he does something it'll be too late. That's why he's up here now".

If Zeus couldn't make him stay on Earth what chance did I have?

"I know it's asking a lot. But if you could give Ares a chance---"

"No. I'm not giving him anything. And besides this isn't about him this is about the bigger picture. Nana, is Erebus and Nyx get to Earth there is nowhere else to run. No one would be able to come to our rescue there's no fallback plan. We lose! He doesn't care oh, how could he he's spent all of his existence being catered to. If we're ever going to go back home...I...I..."

Had to be better? Had to step up?

I couldn't be such a fucking failure!

I needed...

I needed...

"I need to go", I said rushing past my grandmother.

"Go where? Freya you just said---"

"I know, I know. Can you stay with Damon until I get back?" The door I had just pulled open from my grandmother I violently shut with a thud.

"Of course I can. Aren't you sore shouldn't you give it a few more days?"

"We don't have a few more days!" I close my fist and focused all of my energy on the one thing that could help me praying it would come.

"Where are you going? Think about what you're doing before you jump blind into another dangerous situation".

"I have", I open my hand and found the Skeleton Key Hades had given me and jammed it into the keyhole,"I'm sick of failing", I turned the key and was met with the cool breeze of darkness.

Blindly I stepped inside.

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