Would We Win?

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Chapter 55


I wouldn't consider today a win. We didn't get anything from the Brotherhood but at least we came to a simple understanding that we would help each other.

Small win.

I just kept my mouth shut and agreed with Christian. High Elder Favian was nothing but agreeable. Alexander and Cosimo just didn't know how to talk. Christian even had some good ideas about how we could close the veil. He didn't out himself as a God killer but suggested I give blood and when someone runs into a damaged part of the veil they can repair it themselves.

High Elder Favian was ecstatic about the idea. He and Christian seem to get along like old friends. We are given a tour of the Academy and Haven. Well Christian was given a tour of Haven I made a beeline for Ezra. I made a promise to show him a dragon. Drakus was grumpy after the crow incident. But I would make up for it with lots of attention he's so desperately wanted.

He's so small.

Ezra said in complete wonderment as I handed Drakus off to him. High Elder Favian had given Ezra a day pass from classes. So we were currently having a picnic the Elders garden. It was the only place that was warm enough for us to be outside. I had lots of meat for Drakus and every type of food a 6-year-old could dream of: cake, pizza, candy, brownies and mountain dew. Anything Ezra I wanted I would get.

Drakus won't be small forever. He's still growing.

My other finicky little child attacked a slice of ham like he was trying to take down a gazelle.

Ezra ever so gently patted Drakus's head making him purr.

He likes you.

I smiled.

Really? I like him too!

Erza chugged a can of mountain dew while focusing all of his energy on Drakus. I sat back and let the happiness of this moment soak right into my bones. For the first time in forever my body and mind relaxed. In this moment there were no expectations upon us, no deadlines and no schedules to meet.

Drakus was now completely full and wanted to run off his extra energy. He playfully nudged Ezra wanting him to play with him. It took nothing for the chase to begin. In this moment I was overwhelmingly content. I had everything I wanted... a complete family.

"So this is where you ran off too?"I whipped my head around to see Cosimo next to me. "They made you a babysitter?"

"No", I said looking up to him. I wanted to tell Cosimo that Erza what's going to be his nephew but since we hadn't officially started any of the paperwork I didn't want to jinx anything, "I just happened to find someone who had a love of dragons".

He chuckled,"That's any child". Cosimo came and sat down hard next to me,"Good work today with the Brotherhood".

"It was really Christian. He's a really good mediator".

"You shouldn't sell yourself short. You two make a good team. You both took care of the the veil in China", o was I in trouble?

"We talked about it and I know I shouldn't have---"

"That was good work", O? "You two took the initiative. That's a great thing. Alexander took care of the other one... mostly to let out some aggression".

"Yeah, we talked about it".

"For the most part we've got everything accomplished. No major tears in the veil, both sides working together not bad for a week's work", He said cracking his knuckles.

"So what's next?"

"That's going to be the hard one. We need to get the gods on board".

"How can I help?" I said ready to do anything.

"Well I was thinking I would take Alexander, Erik and Damon to Olympus and try and work this out diplomatically with Zeus".

"O... What about us?" I wasn't good enough to go.

"You guys basically got the order and the brotherhood to work together. I was hoping you would hold down the fort while we were gone. Make sure everything continues running smoothly. It would only be for a couple of days".

I didn't like the fact that I wasn't going. But I understood why I wasn't invited. It's not like Zeus and I were on good terms to begin with."Why aren't you taking Christian and Edward?".

"They just have different skill sets. That could be better utilized here. I need you to stay here. If there's a giant rip in the veil only you can repair it. In the order and the Brotherhood listen to you. Edward and Christian need to be your backup".

"Okay, I can do that".

"It's really important that everything continues to move smoothly. And I only trust you to do that. You know how hard it was to get here", Yes, I do.

I didn't want to bring up what if s. But we all needed an answer,"What happens if they won't cooperate?"

"Then I come back to Earth, get you and we make them", He said with a frown.

"If it comes to that, can we make them? Would we win?"

"Let's cross that bridge if we have to. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen. But in the worst case scenario we'll be have to go to war... right now I like our odds", So we could win.

"Just... be careful", Eric and Alexander didn't seem to have a problem with Cosimo but I could see Damon butting heads with Cosimo the entire time.

"I will, I just wanted to let you know what was going on. I've been running around so much this week we haven't had any time to talk".

"Thank you".

"I'll let the others know. Enjoy the rest of your day", and with that said he teleported away.

I look back to Ezra and Drakus playing happily in a sense of dread washed over me. Would we have any more moments like these if it came down to Zeus refusing to work with us. If Cosimo couldn't do this diplomatically how many people were going to die? We were in this mess because of Zeus. Because of him I could lose everything.

But I would die trying to protect it.


"What would you like me to do?" I asked High Elder Favian as we listen in on Cosimo and Freya's conversation from the Elders balcony overlooking the garden property.

"Go with him and keep a close eye on the developments. Use your best judgment", High Elder Favian encouraged.

"Yes sir", I agreed. I still didn't trust Cosimo But I guess this trip will ultimately prove his character. Is he truly an advocate of peace or is he the devil in disguise?

"If war is what he's after. Make sure it never happens. No matter the cost. Do you understand?"


"I need to return back to our guest. Take the rest of the day to prepare yourself", High Elder Favian suggested as he returned back into the mansion.

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