Good Boy

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Chapter 31


"You can stop staring", Ariadne said with a frown and crossing her arms. She was dressed as if she were royalty from head to toe in jewels of every kind: gold, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires ect. "Where did you come from?"

"Why how..."

"How articulate. Answer my question and I'll answer yours", she demanded. She definitely had a one-track mind like Freya. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the key of the Underworld Hades had given Freya,"You have a skeleton key!"

Ariadne reached for the key as if to grab it I pulled back holding it away from her,"I... borrowed it from someone".

"I don't care about your theft. I care about getting out of here", she said punching me in the throat. I wasn't expecting her attack so I went down hard gasping for air and clutching my throat. Ariadne jumped over me and grabbed the key. She sprinted away but not fast enough for me to call up a wall of fire. She sucker punched me so hard I could barely breathe let alone talk. I encircle her in a ring of black and violent fire to keep her trapped in until I could breathe again,"Well that's just cheating".

When I was finally able to talk I stood up,"Toss it back and I'll let you go".

"Or you'll do what?" She said with a boarded expression. I closed in her circle shrinking it down to size hoping the heat of the flames would scare her a little,"I'm so scared. You're not going to hurt me, Theo. You don't have it in you".

"I'm not Theo. And I will if you get in my way", I threatened.

"Then do what you have to do. I'm not letting go of the only thing that's going to get me out of here", well, she called my bluff. I wasn't going to hurt her but I did have a couple of questions.

"Why do you look like Freya? And how are you alive?"I remember a Freya talking about this girl. Just like I had visions of Olivia and Charles she was in this girl's body. but she had to have died thousands of years ago.

"Let me go and maybe I'll answer", she said flippantly. Definitely not Freya she's more like Roman than anything else.

"We can help each other. I don't need the key I plan on taking the ferry out of here. Tell me where Poseidon is at and I'll let you keep it".

"What's Poseidon done to get you all riled up?" She said coming closer to the flames as if to stare me down.

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours", two can play her games.

"You won't get past Cerberus without me", she grinned.

"And you won't make it to the surface without me", her smile fell,"If you don't want to answer my questions that's fine. I'm not here for you. But I could make your escape a little bit easier".

"I already have the key genius", she snapped.

"You're in a ring of fire", I reminded her. She gave me a sour look before we started each other in silence. She wasn't going anywhere until I got answers. So I could wait all day I had nothing but time. She on the other hand did not. "You know I'm not your enemy".

"You're not helping me either".

Oh gods, I was talking to the female version of Roman! The world would end before I got a straight answer. And I didn't want to waste time on her. I let my flames die out to her surprise,"I'm not against you. Rob me if you need to. But I've seen you before. Seen you with I guess a doppelganger of mine. You may escape but once you get to the surface you won't have any allies to help the man you love".

"You know where Theo is at?" She asked with concern. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to answer her question with a question. But I couldn't help imagine this woman was Freya. Even though I knew she wasn't.

"I don't. All I know is he's stuck somewhere living for a bit and then dying in an endless cycle", I do remember living through one of those deaths. It was the first time for me but one of thousands for him. Not exactly the most pleasant way to spend the rest of eternity. "If you make it to the surface. Find the Brotherhood. They should be able to help you".

And with that said I was done with Ariadne. I needed to get past Cerberus to get into the Underworld. And even though the beast was bowing down to me he was still growling as if he wanted to attack. I resituated my sword in my hand and tried to think of a way around this. "You'll have to lull him to sleep. Cerberus is a good guard dog but has a soft spot for music. Once you get the beast asleep you'll have to climb up and in. And if I were you, I wouldn't get back in that water. You're swimming in the souls of the dead they'll drag you down to the bottom and try to drain any life you have".

"Thanks", I responded. I turned around and faced her and she pulled her hood back up. Even though this girl got on my nerves and would probably sell me out in a heartbeat. I still saw Freya. And clearly she needed help,"I'm walking out of here one way or another. You could tag along with me. Help me find Poseidon and I'll get you back on Earth".

"Ha! I'm not helping you with your quest, Orpheus", she scoffed walking away. "If you can't get past Cerberus you don't deserve to get into the Underworld".

I regret even offering now.


Anyways back to Cerberus,"Who's a good boy?"

Cerberus snapped all three of its heads barking angrily at me as if to say fuck you. The cave shook just at its bark. Carefully I sat my backpack down making sure Cerberus knew I wasn't a threat,"I have something for you".

The hellhound inched closer as if to see what was in my backpack and I pulled out one of the three days of rations I had in my emergency bag. I pulled out a dried piece of fruit cake. All three of Cerberus's heads sniff the air as if intrigued.

"Want some sweets?"Each hand had a different reaction: Surprise, excitement and worry. I cooked,"I have one for each of you".

That got their attention they came closer opening their mouth for their treat,"Now, just yet, I'm looking for Poseidon".

The middle head nudged into me as if saying give me my treat damn it,"Take me to Poseidon and I'll give you your treat. Sound fair?"

Each of the heads look to each other as if having a silent conversation on whether to just kill me and take the treat or do as I ask. They finally made their decision and the right head Lord itself as if to say hop on. I didn't need to be told twice as I climbed up onto the beast head,"Good boy".

Proudly it lifted itself up to stand at its full height taller than any skyscraper I had ever seen. I held on tight as the beast took off into the cave. I just had to pray it was actually taking me to Poseidon and not directly to Hades. All I could do now was hang on and wait.

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