That Was New

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Chapter 18


"Freya?" I searched. 

This was supposed to be a simple game of hide-and-seek. I was actively looking for her and coming up empty.  Was I wrong to worry? She could get into anything, a wall could collapse on her and crusher her.  She could call down a meteor and kill herself.

I really wanted to find her. I could call up our bonding tether but I wasn't sure it even existed right now. And it didn't feel right. It's been 8 days and there was no sign of Freya aging back to her normal self anytime soon.

For the time being I was fine being a glorified babysitter.

I don't know why I was looking all around the house there were only two places she would be the kitchen which was empty and her ice rink. I didn't even know Freya knew how to skate let alone that it was an obsession of hers when she was little. For her age she was actually pretty good. She didn't land all of her jumps. And she scared the shit out of me when she collides into the ice head first. But she always got back up frustrated but more determined to do whatever it was she was trying to accomplish.

I teleported myself to the top of her ice ring stadium and sure enough there Freya was. I made my way down the stairs and heard music kick on as far as started gliding gracefully over the ice. The master of her domain.

"You're watching?!" She yelled. "This is for you!'

"I'm watching every second", her grandfather yelled back in the first row. I guess our game of hide and seek took to long and she found someone else to play with. I was about to leave but as I turned away I saw Freya getting ready to do one of her jumps. I cringed not wanting to see her fall but she landed it perfectly and did a bunch more in recession.


What else had she mastered? It's amazing what you can do when you spend 12 straight hours with no sleep just ice skating.

I quickly jog down the stairs not meaning to to startle Phillip but he jumped when he realized how close I was,"Shit! Make some noise. Giving old man a heart attack".

"Sorry, sir".

"Who are you again?" Philip asked still focused on Freya's routine. It's good to know her memory came from her grandfather.

"Damon Gideon", I answered standing at attention.

"You're the soulmate, Sylvie is ready to put in the ground?"

"I imagine so, sir", I responded.

"Well I only have one thing to add", I held my breath in anticipation,"Take good care her. That's my baby girl. And if you fuck with her I'll fuck you up".

"Yes, sir", I couldn't help but like his directness.

"I told Eva she could have been an Olympian ice skater. She struck that idea down. Too many eyes watching her. There's a lot she could have done", he said whistling. I wasn't sure if Philip was talking to me or just using me as a soundboard. "Whatever happens, whatever is coming, I want her to live. I want Freya to have a life outside of hiding and whatever your people are doing. Can you give that to her?"

"Yes", I didn't even have to think about it to know I wanted her to live every dream she ever had. I wanted to see the world with her. Grow old with her and look back at a life well lived.

Found (The Olympus Brotherhood Saga #4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora