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I woke up from the sound of noise being made downstairs. I huffed knowing the girl's probably found my spare key and are now raiding my house. I looked over to my dresser to reach for my phone to check the time to see i had a text from Andre. I instantly smiled. Its been a few weeks since we had our "date" and since then, we talked almost every day. His goodmorning texts were the first things i seen when i woke up every morning.

Andre❤: g'morning love, i don't know if your up yet but i wanted to let you know i had a early training so i might not be able to text when you wake.

Me: morning, aww an early training? Make sure your rest when your done.

Andre❤: Yes ma'am, i will. Anything on your agenda today?

Me: Hmm... i have to go to rehearsals then im free all day.

I didn't wait for him to reply instead i went to do my morning routine. When i was done, i went downstairs to see the girls.

"Ah, morning leigh, we made you breakfast" jade said, showing me pancakes on the stove. "Oh lovely, is this a let off for breaking into my house?" I questioned with a chuckle. "Its not really breaking in if we know where the spare key is" perrie snickered making the others laugh. I rolled my eyes and went to the living room and sat down.

When i did, my phone pinged.

Andre❤: hmm, im out of training around 5. How about i come and get you around 6:30, we stroll around a bit then have dinner at mine?

I instantly smiled.

Me: i would like that ☺️

the girl's didn't notice that leigh was smiling ear to ear while she was texting him. She didn't even hear jesy calling her name. "leigh!" Jesy screamed a little louder making leigh jump.

"Yes?" I questioned. They looked at me with a little smirk. "Watcha smiling at lee-lee?" Jade inquired, quirking her eyebrow up. I shook my head and stood up to stop the blood from reaching my cheeks. "Nothing, give me my breakfast before I throw yall out" i said. Perrie handed me my plate of food and we all sat at the table. While we ate, my phone vibrated.

Andre❤: ok great, ill see ya later love

Me: ok, see you later

I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see the girl's staring at me. "What?" I asked. They shook there heads, "something is definitely up" perrie says, taking her plate to the sink.
"What do you mean?" I asked taking mine to the sink too. "Your smiling way to much for it to only be almost 10 am and you aren't being attentive, that's perrie's job so something is definitely up with you" jade responded. I shook my head and made my way to the stairs. "Nothing's up, ill be back in 10 then we can get along to meet claud" i said going up the stairs to gather my things.


We just finished rehearsals and im now in a uber, on my way home. Its only a few minutes till 5 and i haven't even made it home yet so im slightly panicking. When I made it to my house, it was already 5:15 which meant I had less than an hour and a half to get ready. I quickly got out and made my way inside to get ready.

Leandre: I Love You ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now