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One week later*

I woke up, my hands right where they've been for the past two weeks, right on top of leigh's stomach. She wasn't showing just yet, her abs where still pretty visible. I was buzzing to tell everyone though, tell everyone that we will have a little Graynock to take to my games and watch Leigh on stage, cheering us on. Being there to support us.

Leigh was feeling the same as me. She was excited to tell everyone about the baby. We decided to tell the little mix team on the last day of the European leg since Leigh won't be able to keep it a secret any longer while she's on tour and her morning sickness won't stop until she's in the third month. Then were gonna tell our family after. I couldn't wait.

I moved leigh's body closer to me and snuggled closer to her. Good thing her morning sickness was on and off because yesterday, she was throwing up since four in the morning. We rarely got any sleep after that. So today, leigh was having a sleep in day.

I moved my head down so that I could see her stomach. When I was my face met her stomach, I started to speak. "Hi baby, I'm your daddy. Me and your mommy love you already. We can't wait until you get here. Were gonna bring to watch some of my games and watch mommy and your aunties do there thing on stage and everything. Your gonna be spoiled rotten by everyone" I finished off and kissed her belly.

I smiled when I felt Leigh run her hands through my curly hair. I lifted up my head, my eyes meeting hers. She grinned, "well this is a nice way to wake up" she said. I chuckled, "Just wanted to speak to the bean" I said. She threw her head back and laugh, "did you just call our unborn baby a bean?" She asked. I nodded, "yes, yes I did. Do you want me to call them a weed?" I asked. She shook her head and laugh again. I crawled up and pecked her lips. "Goodmorning bubba" I said. "Morning bub" she said.

"I can't wait until I start showing" she said as we made our way to the kitchen. "You will soon" I said, opening the refrigerator. "What do you want to eat?" I ask. "Eh, I'm craving pickles and Icecream" she said showing a shy grin. I looked at her and raised my brow, "and pregnancy cravings start today" I sighed and grabbed the tub of Icecream from the freezer and jar of pickles and slid it to her.

She took it and went to the livingroom. I followed behind and settled next to her as we watched tv. I kept my hands around her while she happily ate. "Enjoying yourself?" I chuckled. She happily nodded, "it taste so good. I don't know if it's because I'm hungry or because I'm pregnant" she moaned as she took another bite. I laughed and kissed her head. I let her eat her heart out while I watched television.

"How do you suppose we tell everyone when it's time? Well our family?" She asked. "I have an idea but we can do it when it's near the time" I said. She nodded, "what do you think we'll have?" She asked. "It doesn't matter to me, as long as they get here healthy" I said. "What about you?" I asked, pecking her neck. "Hm, a boy" she said. "Why a boy?" I asked. "Your so cuddly. I just want another cuddler" she said, moving closer into my embrace.

We sat for a little while longer until she started to get tired so we migrated to the bedroom. She stripped me of my shirt and slid it over herself leaving me naked from the waist up. When she was comfortable in bed, I brought her snack up and sat it on the dresser next to her and slid into bed next to her.

She rested her head on my chest and played with the hair on the back of my neck. I pecked her nose, "I love you Leigh, and our little baby" I said. She grinned, "I love you too" she said.

Hi babes!  I know this is short so I will try and make the next one a little longer. Happy birthday Karla Camila cabello Estrabo❤! Big 24! Enjoy this!

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