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Four years later*

"Wake up princess" I said as I brushed the curls out of my daughters face. When she didn't move, I peppered her face in little kisses and tickled her sides until her giggles filled the room. "I'm up daddy, I'm up!" She said, prying my hands off her sides. I looked on the other side of her bed to see Elisa sleeping. Just like perrie. I though. I'm suprised she didn't wake up from all of Rhea's laughing. "Hey bub, how about you wake up Your cousin while daddy goes downstairs to start breakfast" I told her and she nodded. When I closed her door, I heard Rhea screaming, "wake up izzy so we can help with breakfast."

I went downstairs so that I could make a quick little eggs and bacon  for the girl's.

When I was done, I called both girls down. "Girl's, breakfast. Better come down before I eat it all!" I said. I heard two sets of feet come running down the steps. "No uncle Andre, don't eat it all!" Elisa called when she ran into the kitchen. I sat both girl's in a chair and put a plate of food infront of both.

I watched as both girls eat there food. Elisa had to get a little help from Rhea as she had gotten food on many places around her face and hands. When the girl's were done, I took them over to the sink to wash there hands. When they were done, I sat them down and pinched there cheeks. "Ok, time to get dressed" I told them and grabbed there hands to guided them upstairs. I led them into the bathroom and told the girls to brush their teeth. "Lizzy, don't make a toothpaste mess on the mirror this time you cheeky little monster" I told her and she giggled.

I left and went to Rhea's room to get her an outfit while I went to Elisa's bag and picked out an outfit that Perrie packed for her.

Elisa louise Oxlade Chamberlain is Perrie and Alex's baby girl. Perrie gave birth to her two years after Leigh-Anne gave birth. She had a mixture of Perries blonde hair and Alex's hair with Alex's eyes. She was also my goddaughter so I opted to babysit her while Perrie was with Jesy and Jade today.


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My baby girl, Rhea Audrey Graynock was our baby. She was a perfect mix of both of us. With Leigh's curly hair to my smile. She was our beautiful princess. She was shorter since after she was born, she had to be in a incubator for a few days when she was born but thankfully she made it out Alive. Thank god.

 Thank god

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