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"I can't believe it, Our first baby mixer should be here at any moment" Jade said excitedly. I chuckled at my bestfriends excitement. I was now out with Jade, picking up some house essentials and trying to finish packing our bags for when It's time. I'm so close to my due date that everyone has been at mine almost everyday to see if I was fine. Andre even decided to risk missing a few of his games just so he wouldn't miss the babies birth.

"I know, Andre's more nervous then I am and I'm the one that's gotta push her out of me" I said and chuckled. "He's gonna be a dad the first time in his life, leave him alone" Jade said and laughed as we walked to my car. "He's got a lot of practice to get into fatherhood since he is good with Niyah and he's been having a lot of heart to heart conversations with my dad so he should be good" I said.

We ended the conversation there and sat in comfortable silence as we rode back to my house. Perrie and Jesy chose to stay instead of going out with me and Jade as they, 'Rather stay home and watch Kyro and Harvey then walk around for twenty hours when I'm shopping'. Gratefully, Jade offered to come since she ran out of biscuits the other day.

When we made it to my house, Alex and Sean insisted that I went and sat down while they brough the bags in the house. I had no say since Jesy and perrie were already at the door, ready to grab my hands and force me to sit. "Girl's, I'm just pregnant. I'm not made of glass" I said as they tried to be cautious with touching me. "We know we know but the baby should come at any point. Your like a water balloon that's ready to bust. We just don't want nothing bad to happen" Jesy said.

Before I could answer, I heard the front door open and close. I didn't bother to move since it was probably Andre or Jade. "You sound Just like my husband, I'm fine, everything will be fine and when the baby is born, she will be fine also" I said. I felt someone lay there hands on me. I looked up to see that it was Andre. "And your husband is correct, we just want you to be ok love" He said.

I groaned inwardly, "ok, I'm gonna just shut up now since I know I won't have any say for this" I said and settled into my comfortable couch. Everyone started up conversations while I decided on staying quiet. There was a tangiling feeling in my stomach but I left it alone thinking it wad just the baby trying to play around again. But I then instantly shot up when I felt my lower abdomen get tight.

"Damnit" I shot up and clutched my lower stomach while clenching my eyes closed. Everyone ran to my side's, "Leigh, are you ok? What's happening?" I heard Jesy say. I took a deep breath when the pain passed, "no, I-I'm fine" I said. The pain then came back again. "I think she's going in labor, call the ambulance" Perrie screamed. I shook my head, "I can't be, My water hasn't even-" I stopped when I felt my pants become soaked.

Everyone started to freak out. "Everybody shut up!" Jade yelled. The room became quite, "this is what were gonna do. Andre, get leigh to the hospital while we will got your bags. We'll call your parents on our way to the hospital" she said. Everyone broke off and did what she said. Andre helped me get into the car while he drove to the hospital.

I've had almost three contractions while in route. "Breath babe, just breath. You'll be fine" Andre said as he caressed my hand.

"Andre, I love but please shut the fuck up and drive" I said through gritted teeth.

Hi babes! Now, idk what's going on with some mixers but some of yall are hella fucking toxic and needs to stop hate talkin about the girl's boyfriends. Especially Jordan. As long as he makes jade happy and no longer makes her miss Dick, then everything's cool. We have no say in who the girl's date sooo stfu 🙃. Enjoy this!

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Leandre: I Love You ꨄ︎Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя