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"I don't care, were staying here. I want to know the gender of my neice or nephew" everyone said, settling into Me and Andre's livingroom. "Seriously girl's, don't you have something better to do? It might take a few hours until we come back" I said, looking at the girls then my sisters. They shook there heads, "nope, I'm supposed to pick up some things we ordered for the baby but I'll just get it sent here" Sariah smiled. I sighed and nodded since I knew there was no way I could fight them on this.

Me and Andre decided not to have a whole gender reveal party. Accept, me and Andre were gonna get the gender today and hold off on telling everyone else just to make them go crazy. FyI, this is for my own personal entertainment.

"Ok fine, when we come back, were going shopping then" I smirked. "Don't screw up my house!" I hollered as me and Andre made our way to the car. "Um, excuse me ma'am, we don't mess with eachothers homes" Jade called out. "Say that to my 25th birthday party" I said making her flip me off. I chuckled while Andre pulled out of the driveway  and made our way to the hospital.

When we got there, me and Andre got our hats and sunglasses on and made our way into the clinic.

When we got there, the nurse immediately guided us to the back room, considering our professions and didn't want us to be swarmed by fans. Me and Andre nervously and excitedly settled into the room. Before either of us could say anything, Dr. Goodman came in with her clipboard, showing her bright smile. "Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Graynock. Here to find out the sex of your baby, yes?" She asked checking her clipboard. We nodded, "yep" Andre said.

Doctor Goodman put something on my stomach and turned on the monitor. We waited a few more seconds before we saw the color pink or blue that showed if it was a boy or a girl. (This is Not the way ppl find out the gender but I'm making it up so forgive me if it sounds dumb 😭). When the color popped up, Andre smiled bright. We left the hospital with smiles on our faces.

~~at the Graynock residents~~

"C'mon Tell us" Lani said, dragging out the 's' and shaking Andre's arm. Everyone was sat around in our livingroom trying to get the gender out of us. All we did was shake our heads and laugh. We both knew that I might blurt it out at sometime today since I can't keep my mouth shut to save my life and I am very obvious. "They aren't going to crack. Well, Andre isn't. He can keep that intimidating look on his face all day. But leigh on the other hand can't keep her mouth closed for shit" Perrie said making everyone laugh. I faked a pained expression on my face and hit her.

She gasped, "your very lucky that your pregnant, Graynock" she said and plucked me. I continued to ignore everyone pressing on us about the baby until I noticed it was almost 4. "Ok, ok shut up. It almost 4 so lets go so we can hit the shops. Maybe you can find out the gender then" I said making some groan and some cheer. Perrie mostly groaned. "I'm sticking with Jade since she's good with spotting things" perrie said and hooked her arms with Jade's.

We all got in separate cars. Me and Andre in one. The girls in one (with our Driver Jacob of course) and Lani and my sisters in another while our parent's stayed at the house.

When we got there, everyone kept eyes on me and Andre, taking close looks at whatever we put in the cart. I mean I'm stupid at times but not this time. We both got gender neutral things starting with football things and girly things. We continued to walk around, with everyone still tailing us while buying there own things. I discreetly stopped when a onesie caught my eye. I laughed at the logo but nonetheless grabbed Andre's hand and tilted my head towards the onesie. He saw where I was looking and secretly took the onesie and went to pay for it.

When he came back, everyone looked at him suspiciously. "Where did you go?" Sian askes looking between us. "Just looking" he said and rested his hand on my side. When we brought all the things, we all went back to the house.

"Can you tell us now?" Jesy asked. Me and Andre looked at eachother and smiled. Andre took out the onesie and sat it im Jesy lap. When she saw it, she jumped up and screamed.

"It's a girl, it's a girl! Oh my god" Jesy said

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"It's a girl, it's a girl! Oh my god" Jesy said. Me and Andre laughed as everyone jumped up and screamed.

When everyone calmed down, my family and Andre's started to hand around money. I handed twenty pounds to Jordan, Sian, Lani and my mom since I losted the bet. "Dang, we should've betted too" Jade said making me flip her off.

When everyone went home, me and Andre decided to stay up and get the nursery planned out since we now know that I am carrying a baby girl. My mini me. When we had everything, we settled on the color of the room which would be rose gold and ordered different color things to go in the room.

"Last thing is her name then everything will be done" Andre said.

Hi babe's! Peirs stinkin morgan quit! His body shamin old ass.

Also, I made an announcement about this,

Istg, if people continue to send Leigh or Jesy or any of them hate for this, stick a branch up your ass bc it's making me mad

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Istg, if people continue to send Leigh or Jesy or any of them hate for this, stick a branch up your ass bc it's making me mad. Solo projects doesn't mean they are breaking up. Almost 10 years of being in a group, they should be able to do solo music and not be shamed for it. Rose in bp did it and and still is and y'all still support them so it shouldn't be any different. If your a true mixer, you should support everything they do with the group or not. I'm done ranting :) Enjoy this!

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