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(7 months into pregnancy)

I was now almost through my pregnancy and I was big. I had to now be on bedrest since I was way too big to do much so the girl's Paused the tour and I now have to do interviews through facetime. Andre had been in and out of London for matches which was making him go nuts. I had to constantly tell him I was ok. I only had like two months left so I had time. Even though he had been rambling on about how it's common for the baby to come early and he doesn't want to miss it while I argued back that it's also common for the baby to come late so he doesn't have to worry. Plus the girl's barge in and out of the house along with both families so I was fine.

I was now sat on a zoom call with capital while the girl's were actually in the studio.

"Oh and today we have Little Mix's Perrie, Jade and Jesy in the studio while Leighanne is on lovely facetime" Roman said. "Hi" I waved on the screen. "For all of you wondering why She isn't here with the us girl's is because our British Beauty has to be on bedrest since she has a living fetus growing inside of her" Perrie said. "How are you feeling Leigh?" Jimmy asked. "I'm feeling good. Besides the fact that I rarely get any sleep since she decides to play soccer with my ribs 24/7" I said making everyone laugh.

We continued the interview talking about all the new things that we would be doing next year.

"The timing when she got pregnant was very coincidental because by the time she had the baby, the baby would be good and healthy and Leigh would be back in shape so that we can finish the rest of the tour and possibly start on the next album and single" Jesy said. "I guess my baby is lucky then" I said and ran my hand over my stomach.

When the interview was over, I logged off and took my phone to slowly make my way downstairs. I was craving fruit so I went down and made a small fruit salad and a cup of yogurt. I got my vegetable/fruit juice from out of the fridge and made my way to the livingroom. I was pissed that Andre hid all the coffee and put it somewhere where he know's my pregnant ass can't get to and I really wanted some.

My phone started to vibrate while I was eating so I got up and grabbed my phone and checked who was calling. I saw that it was the girls and answered it through our four way facetime.

"Hey girl's, wassup?" I asked. "We'll be at yours in like fifteen minutes so unlock the front door" jade said. "You guys have keys, come inside yourselves you dumbasses" I said, taking a bite of my pineapple. "Ok, we also brough food so that we can make you dinner" Perrie said. "You? Make me dinner? Oh hell no, I rather you just buy nando's instead of me getting food poisoning" I said making the make a pained expression. "Fine, we'll get you a salad then Ms. Healthy shit" Jesy said and hung up, making me laugh.

I sighed as the baby continued to kick the shit out of me. She has constantly been kicking me day and night. She obviously has already developed her fathers football legs. I remember Andre's reaction when I told him she's started kicking.


Me and Andre were laying in bed watching a movie and talking about our day when I felt a soft but strong hit against my stomach. "Ouch" I sat up. Andre quickly came over to my side and rested his hands on my stomach. "Leigh, what's wrong?" He asked with worry filled in his eyes.

Before I could answer, the feeling came back but softer. When I regained my breath, I laid my hand where the feeling kept coming from. When it came again, I smiled again after the realization dawned over me when I figured out what the feeling was.

"What, why are you smiling?" He asked. I laid his hand on the spot on my stomach. We waited for a few seconds until I felt the feeling again and Andre felt it to when his eyes immediately found mine. "What was that?" He asked. "that was our daughter. I think she's gonna do wonderful in the women's football league" I chuckled.

I smiled when Andre leaned down and kissed my swollen belly. "babygirl is gonna do amazing playing football" he said. I sighed when she continued to kick, "babygirl is gonna keep mommy up all night as she literally rearranges my ribs" I groaned as I laid my head on Andre's shoulder.

Flashback ends

I laid down and tryed to close my eye's to see if I could get atleast fifteen minutes of sleep before she started back up but couldn't wheb I heard the front door open and voices. I groaned when I relized it was the girls.

"Leigh?" Perrie called. "Movie room" I said lazily. I then heard three sets of feet come in and sat around me. "You ok babe, you look like shit" Jesy said. "Thanks jes" I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm so bloody tired, she has been playing all day and night. I just want to sleep" I said while closing my eyes and laying my head on Jesy's shoulder. I felt the girls lay their hands on my stomach to feel the baby.

"Damn, she's going ham. Does she ever stop?" Perrie asked. "Yeah when it's like three am. We already have to be up at like five to get our schedule so there usually isn't any point try and go to bed after she stops" I said. The girl's started to rub my stomach.

"Hey princess, it's auntie pez here, We would gladly appreciate it if you calm it down with the kicking. Momma can't sleep and when she's had no sleep she's scary. And I know you don't want momma to eat us" Perrie said, making me giggle. "Get some rest bubba" Jade said and pecked my stomach. I let out a sigh of relief when she had finally settled down, "thanks girls" I said.

I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep, grateful that the girls were able to calm her down.

Hi babe's! Next update will probably be on the weekend since I've been busy 🙃. Almost to the end of this book unfortunately 😔. But don't worry 😌. Enjoy this!

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