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I saw this picture on Instagram and diedddd. 😭💀


I woke up the next morning, cuddled deep into Andre's embrace. While sitting up and stretching, last night's events came running back to me. I glanced down at the ring on my finger and smiled. I settled back into Andre while still staring at my hand. I can't wait to spend my entire life with him.

"I take it you like the ring?" I hear Andre's voice from under me asked. I lifted my head so that I could see his eyes, "I love it baby. Thank you" I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled and pulled me closer. "I bet you can't wait to tell the girl's huh?" He asked. I shook my head and laughed, "nah, I'll let them figure it out themselves" I said.

We sat in bed for a little while longer until we decided to get up and get packing since we were flying back home today.


"I did it!" Andre said to Jordan when we got outside. Jordan came to give us a ride to our house since we called both families for dinner to tell them the news. "Ah, finally!" Jordan said to Andre then pulled me into a hug. "Welcome to the family, officially Leigh. Or should I say sis?" He asked with a dumb smirk. I flicked his ear then got in the car.

When we made it to our house, I immediately took Niyah from Lani who didn't even protest since she knew this was coming. After eating and talking for a little while longer, my mom spoke up.

"Leigh, Andre, thank you for this amazing dinner. What was the occasion for getting us all together?" She asked. Andre lookes at me and I nodded. "Well we have an announcement to make" Andre said standing up. "Oh please don't let them be broken up" Lisa said, gripping my mom's hand. Sariah, Sian and Lani Joined hands too.

"Well, Leigh's actually not my girlfriend anymore" Andre said with a smile. Everyone gasped, "what have you done boy!?" Tom called out. "Oh god!" My mom said dramatically. Jordan was sitting there, laughing his ass off. "Guys calm down" I said, biting the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from breaking out into fits of laughter.

"Guys, she isn't my girlfriend anymore because she's my fiance now!" Andre said from over their noises. They stopped and stared at me. "What?" Sian asked. "We're getting married guys" I said, showing the ring on my hand. It was quiet for a good twenty seconds before, " oh my god, are you serious!?" Sariah asked,  standing up. I nodded and Andre pulled me closer.

"Let me see the ring" Lani said coming towards me. I stuck my hand out, showing the bright emerald ring. "You did right my boy" My dad said, shaking Andre's hand. We spent the rest of the dinner planning out wedding plans and stuff like that.

When it started to get dark, me and Andre made our way to our room to get ready for bed. "That went nice" Andre said. I nodded and kissed his cheek, "next are the girl's then the media" I said, laying down next to him. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" he muttered into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, "I can't wait either" I said.

(A week later)

"Feels good to be back at work, dosen't girl's?" Jesy askes as we just finished rehearsals. I had my ring out all day Just to see if the girl's noticed it but unfortunately they didn't. I didn't really stress it since they are all some nosey shits and I already know that one of them are gonna notice it before we leave.

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