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Flashback to 3 weeks ago

"Your completely sure about this? Like 100%?" Mathew asked. I nodded and sat my drink down, "never been more sure about anything" I said. "I asked him the same thing. He's doing it and doing it soon" Alex said. I have made some stupid and unnecessary decisions in my lifetime but asking Leigh to marry me is the decision that I didn't have to think twice about.

"Well I guess Your gonna be the second married man out of all of us" Sean said. Alex had proposed to Perrie the last day of tour and got Married a week and half earlier then today. He couldn't be more happy to have perrie as his Mrs. Oxlade Chamberlain. "I guess I am" I said getting my keys. "Where you going?" Jordan asked. "Going to get the ring" I said. The boys started getting their stuff, "we're coming too" Alex said. "I call shotgun" Mathew called.

When we made it to the ring place, It didn't take me long to find a ring that was perfect for Leigh. "This is the one" I said, picking up a bright emerald ring. "You sure, that is really expensive" Jordan said. "Yeah man, hella expensive" Sean seconded. "I'm a footballer that makes 50 million a year. Let me spend it on my missus" I said dismissing there questions.

I had already stole one of Leigh's rings prior so that I could make sure this one fits just right. Sorry Leigh. When I paid for it, I made sure it was safe in my pocket and walked out.

"When are you gonna do it?" Jordan asked. "Soon mate" I said.

Present day

"You better not loose it while yall walking around. You already know your a clumsy ass dude. Probably more clumsy than leigh" Jordan said from over skype. I had called Mathew, Jordan, Alex, Sean and Jade's Jordan on skype since tonight is the night I decided to pop the question to Leigh and I was literally shitting my pants. I had called the boys to try and help to steady my nerves while Leigh was in the shower.

"I'm not man,why the fuck would I loose this ring?" I asked. "We don't know, you do a lot of unexplainable shit" Mathew said. I rolled my eyes, "you guys really aren't helping" I said. "Calm down Andre, Just go with everything you planned" Alex said. I took a deep breath then nodded. Before I could answer, I heard the shower water turn off. "Shit she's done. Right I'll see you guys in a few days" I said and signed off.

I made sure I had the ring safely in my pocket and stood up as she came out of the bathroom. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow at me, "you ok?" She asked. "Yep" I simply said. She still looked at me but chose to leave it be and start to get ready.

When she was ready, we walked hand in hand to a place near the sea that was covered in fairy lights. We sat down and ate dinner. I tried to hide my nervousness from Leigh but I think she noticed my hands becoming shakey and I was a little Jumpy. "You sure your ok babe?" She asked. I nodded, "walk with me?" I asked, standing up and holding my hand out for her. She stood up and grabbed my hand.

We walked down the beach and watched as the sky lit up with lights. While she watched, I took my chance. "Leigh?" I asked while down on one knee. When she turned around, she put her hand over her mouth.

"Leigh, when I first met you, you made everything around me that was bad stop. You made me believe that love is real. And I made a promise to myself that whatever I did for you was only gonna make you smile. And if I ever made you cry, it was gonna be happy tears and not sad tears. Especially on our wedding day. So Leigh-Anne pinnock, would you marry me?" I finished, showing her the ring. She had tears in her eyes and vigorously nodded her head.

"Yes?" I asked, standing up. "Yes Andre, yes I will marry you!" She said. I slid the ring on her finger and hugged her close to my body. "I love you Mr. Gray" she whispered in my ear. "I love you more Mrs. Gray" I whispered back.

Hi babe's! See I was gonna be mean and leave you guys on a cliffhanger but I decided not to. But I'm still gonna do it at some point 😏.

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