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Look at how BEAUTIFUL our four babies look!? Completely serving Looks!*


"I'm pregnant" I say in a whispered voice. I look up, my teary eyes meeting Andre's. "W-what?" He asked in the same tone. "I'm pregnant Andre" I said, showing him the pregnancy test that showed two lines signaling that I was pregnant. He smiled at me then lifted me in his arms, making me squeal. "Were having a baby?" He asked again, his eyes sparkling with excitement. I nodded, "were having a baby" I repeated.

We went back into the room and settled into bed with me halfway on top of Andre with his hands resting on my stomach. "I can't believe it" he whispered. I smiled and burried my head into his neck. "We should schedule an appointment before I go on tour and everything" I said. He nodded and got up to make a doctor's appointment.

I sat in a smiling daze, running my hands on my flat stomach, still shocked that I have a human slowly growing in my stomach. I was snapped out of my daze when  Andre came back into the room. "She said she can see us  tomorrow" he said. I nodded and rolled my head onto my pillows. I forced myself to block out all of the negative thoughts that were creeping into my mind. I let out a sigh and tried to get a little sleep since I been up all night throwing up.

"I know what your thinking, you will be fine. We'll be prepared this time" Andre said, his breath hitting my neck as his hands made its way to my stomach when he snaked his arms around my waist. "I can't wait" he said. I was grinning from ear to ear, "me neither" I said and fell asleep in his embrace.

~~Next morning~~

"I can't wait until this bloody morning sickness is over" I said as Andre helped me to the sink to brush my teeth. He chuckled from behind me, "it will all be worth it in the end. Until then, you will continue to puke out your ribs" he said with a little smug tugging on his lips. I slapped him on his chest, "shut up" I murmured and went back to the room.

"How much time do we have?" I asked, walking to my closet. He checked his watch, "45 minutes" he said and I nodded. I picked out a simple pink outfit since it was really warm out today.

When I was done, I went downstairs and sat in the livingroom and waited until Andre came down so that we could leave

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When I was done, I went downstairs and sat in the livingroom and waited until Andre came down so that we could leave. When he came down, I slowly got up and walked out next to Andre and got in the car.

It was a painfully long 15 minute drive to the doctor's office. The only noise that could be heard was the soft sound of the radio playing and the sound of cars driving on the london road. I decided to save my voice until after we left the office with either good or bad news. When we got there, we put on our sunglasses and made our way inside.

We were then led into a room to wait for a doctor to come and help us. I sat on the bed while Andre took a seat in the chair next to me. "I'm so nervous" I said. Before he could answer, a woman dressed in a white coat and a clipboard in her hand came in. She gave us a soft smile, "Hello Mr And Mrs Graynock. I'm Doctor Goodman. I hear that Ms. Leigh-Anne may be Pregnant?" She asked, looking at me. I nodded my head.

She nodded and started to slide her gloves on. "Symptoms?" She asked while checking my heart. "Em morning sickness, headaches and nausea from time to time" I said and she hummed. "Ok, were gonna take an ultrasound so that we can see the little bean because All of the symptoms you have described to me are definitely signs of pregnancy" she said.

She held up some gel and lifted up my shirt to show my stomach. "This is gonna be cold so don't worry" she said and I nodded. She started to rub the cold gel on my stomach, causing shivers to go down my spine. When the monitor beeped, it showed a little baby curled into a ball. I gasped. "There is your baby. They seem to be healthy and growing right. You seem to be actually four weeks. I want to come back in three months so I can check the health and around that time, you will be able to find out the gender" she said.

She started to wipe the gel off of me then handed me the picture of the ultrasound. "Congratulations you two, See you again in three months" she said and left, not without congratulating us again. When she was gone, I turned to Andre who had the biggest smile on his face. "Our little baby is growing and is healthy" I said, smiling too.

When we left, I was more happy then ever. All my nerves and negative thoughts all went away when I saw my baby on that monitor.

When we got home, Andre went and fed the dogs while I went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. When Andre came up, he stripped his clothes off and got into bed next to me. I turned so that I could cuddle him. He laid his hands back on my stomach. "This is gonna be my favorite place to lay my hands for the next nine months" he said making me giggle. 

"When do we tell everyone?" I asked. "We can tell them when you start to show a little" he said. I hummed and fell asleep with a smile plastered on my face.

Hi babe's! Give me some girl and boy names because I'm going to continue to be the emotional trauma causing bitch and not tell you the gender until a little while 😌.
Some things will take place soon 😏.
Also, it's that time of the month for me so I feel like shit so forgive me if this is shit* Enjoy this!

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