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Its been a rough three weeks since everything that happened. Leigh has been getting more and more distant. She only says a few words to me when I try to talk to her, She doesn't go out and when we are in bed together, she turns her body to the other side of the room and doesn't look at me. Its driving me mad. She hasn't texted the girls about anything since that day so I had to be the one to send them any updates about her.

The girl's and my parents told me to stay with her and just wait. And that she's grieving. I just sighed and did what they said and gave her time.

I was now sat outside our room where she locked herself in and cried to herself for the 4th time today. It pains me that she won't let me hold her while she's dealing with this. "Leigh, please open the door. I hate seeing you cry. Please stop pushing me away" I said. Nothing. I sighed and sat back infront of the door. After 10 minutes of hearing her sobs, I heard the door unlock.

I got up and opened the door. I went inside to see Leigh sitting with her head down. I sat next to her but said nothing. We sat for another 20 minutes until she spoke up, "You ever had a time in your life where you wanted to live the fairytale life. But then something bad happened and that whole vision disappears and faids away" she asked me. I stayed silent for her to continue. "The day I found out we lost our baby, I felt everything crumble. That whole vision Just turned into dust" she said.

I grabbed her hand, "baby, I promise you that your vision isn't gone. Just because we lost he or she doesn't mean that everything is gone. We'll get through this, I promise" I said, scooping her body in arms and putting her on my lap. We stayed silent for a few minutes until she spoke up, "I'm sorry for pushing you away this whole time. I still couldn't process everything" she said the sighed.

"Don't worry about it baby. It just made me feel useless that I couldn't help you in any way. How are you feeling now?" I asked her. "Better now that I got that off my chest. " she said. I rested my hands on her stomach, "we'll be alright" I said with a smile. She looked up and smiled at me then rested her hands on top of mine, "we'll be alright" she said. I snuggled her close to me, happy that I was able to hold her in my arms again.

When I felt her body go limp, I smiled. These past few weeks were hell for me and her but I promised her Everything would be ok.

(Next morning)


I woke up with the feeling of Andre's strong arms wrapped around me. I smiled and snuggled more into his embrace. I put him through so much durning these last few weeks and I owe him everything. While I was being a moping little shit, he stayed and didn't leave. Even when I completely closed myself off and wouldn't speak to him. I am truly grateful for him.

While lost in my thoughts, I felt him move under me. When he woke up, his eyes met mine. "Morning love" he said, kissing my nose making me scrunch my face up. "Morning" I said, getting up to stretch until I felt him pull me back down. "No, don't go. Your body is like a blanket" He said, kissing my neck. I laughed at his words, "bub, Let me go. I have to go to work" I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded, "I'm sure. Everything is and will be fine from this point on" I said. he let me go and kissed my head. "I'm proud of you" i kissed his cheek and proceeded to get ready.


The only think that could be heard through the building were the sound of my heals. The only people I told that I was coming into work today was my manager. I wanted to suprise everyone.

When I pushed open the door to the choreography room, I saw the girls on there phones. Jesy and Jade had there backs to me as Perrie was the first to spot me, she dashed for me. I laughed and lifted my hands, "WHO MISSED ME?" I asked, hugging Perrie. Jade and Jesy came in hot and engulfed me in a hug. "We missed yous" Jade said. "Missed you rat bags more" I said. "Your back? Offically?" Jesy asked. I nodded and put my hand on her shoulder, "I'm back fully Jes. Everything is okay" I said.

I saw Paul over in the corner and went over to him. I pulled him into a hug. "Glad to have you back Leigh" he said. "Glad to be back. Everything turned okay" I said to him. He nodded, knowing exactly what I meant. He learned to forgive himself and accept the fact that none of it was his fault.

When we let go, I turned to the girl's, "now, who's ready to get this tour back on the road?" I ask. The backup dancers, the girls and everyone else erupted into cheers. I forgot how good it felt to be surrounded by them. I came to realize that, he/she wasn't gone forever, they were up at the sky, watching over me. They were still in my heart if they were here or not.


Hi babes! Since I was threatened in the last chapter because of what happend, I decided to write a new, happy chapter to get back on you guys good side 😭✋🏽. Now love me again 🙃.

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