501 16 11


"16 bags!? 16 bags for 4 girls? you do understand we are a full team of 20 people, not including the girls" Paul, our tour managers voice boomed through the bus. today was the first day of tour and me and the girls were sitting in the bus, with our boyfriends while everyone else had got everything situated. "yep, 4 for each girl. 2 for clothes, one for hair and makeup and one for accessories" Aaron said nonchalantly, fixing up his hair stuff. "were gonna end up killing him" Jesy said making us all laugh at the thought of Paul's head exploading because of the amount of stuff we bring. "I don't know why he is fussing, we been doing this with him for a minute, the amount of stuff we bring is just gonna get larger and larger each time" jade said. "hello girls, what's all this?" he questioned when he came into the lounge, pointing to the stuff we had in the corner. "carryon's?" I said in a questioning tone. he ran his hands over his face, "what?" he asked. "it just our stuff when were out like money, makeup, backup clothes and shoes, stuff like that" Perrie said. "my god, 20 bags? I give up, you might as well pack your boyfriends as well" he said walking away. 

"I wouldn't mind being packed up" Andre said from next to me. "me neither" Alex said from next to Perrie. since me and Perrie's boyfriends were footballers, they have training almost everyday. "You can pack me though, I don't got anything to do" Jordan, jades boyfriend said. He was apart of a boyband but they were on a break so he decided to spend the tour with us for like a quarter of it.

"I'm gonna miss you" i hung my arms around his neck in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you too babe but don't worry, ill see you at the brits remember" we were chosen to be the opening for the brits and we were nominated for the best British single for woman like me and I asked Andre to be my date which he gratefully accepted. "oh right, your suit better be ready" I said. he nodded, "it should be here a week before the brits" he said and I nodded. "ok, are you sure you have everything?" he questioned. I nodded, "I have done this plenty of times babe, I'm good" I said. "leigh, we got to get going" Jesy called from the bus. I turned to Andre and gave him a hug and one more peck on the lips. "see you in 3 weeks babe, I love you" I called, grabbing my purse. "I love you too, be careful" he said.

when we made it to our first destination, we loaded off the bus and raced to our bunks while Paul and the others situated the bag situation. I sat in my bunk, carefully to not mess up my makeup or wrinkle my clothes since we had an interview in a few hours. I decided to facetime Andre.  on the phone.

"hey baby" I said once his face popped up. "hey, where are you?" he asked while throwing a ball. he told me he could take care of Harvey while I was gone so he has Kyro and Harvey at his place. "I'm in my bunk. we are waiting for Paul and Zach to get the bags straightened out so that we can get to our interview later on" I said. "oh yeah and I posted a picture of us because I haven't posted one in a while" I added. " that's cool, I was meant to post one too but you know how bad I am with posting stuff" he said with a chuckle. we talked for a little while longer until I had to get to the interview. 

(At the interview)

"And we have little mix in the studio today everyone" roman said. "hi girls its great to have you back" he said. "thank you, it feels like we haven't seen you guys in ages" Jesy said in a funny accent, making us laugh. "it does feel like that, but in reality it has only been like 2 weeks" he said. we talked about our album and how we made it and what was it inspired by and things like that. "were any of the songs inspired by anyone special in your lives?" he asked. all the girls heads turned to me making me put my head down to hide the blush rushing to my face. "leigh, were any of the songs inspired by anyone special?" he asked again. I laughed, "yes, there is one but I'm not gonna say" I said. " and that's where we loose" he said making everyone laugh. "ok were gonna play a little game, were gonna have you facetime the last person you texted and were gonna ask them a few questions" he said making the girls start laughing. " were gonna start with leigh" he said. I took out my phone to check. "ok, last person I texted was Andre to tell him I loved him since I didn't earlier" I said, making everyone aw. I clicked the facetime button and he answered on the second ring. "hey babe, wassup?" he asked once he saw me. "hey bub, I'm still in the interview and roman wants to ask you some questions" I said and he nodded. 

"ok, what are you doing now?" he asked. "at the moment, I'm washing Harvey and Kyro off since they chose to roll around in mud" Andre said showing me the 2 dogs half way covered in mud. we laughed. "ok, how much do you love leigh?" jade called. "100% I love leigh" he said. "ok last one, do you know what song on the Album is dedicated to you?" he said. my eyes went wide and I quickly turned the camera to me. "don't answer that, ok bye I love you, talk to you later" I said. he laughed. "I love you too" he said and I hung up. "why you do that, I wanted to know" Jesy said. I shook my head, "y'all aren't going to press on my boyfriend on the song if I didn't answer" I said. 

(After the interview)

when we made our way into our bunks, I was tired out so I sent Andre a goodnight text since back in London its like 3 am and only 11 for me. I took a shower, washed my face and brushed my teeth then went to bed. 


hey babes! enjoy this chapter and tell me your feedback!

you already know what to do. 

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