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Thank you guy's for 2k+ reads on this book!🥺. Makes me so happy seeing that you guys enjoy my writing so tyvm. Love you endlessly✨❤.


"Leigh-Anne Graynock, if you don't wake up right now, I'm going to tickle you until your insides turn" I threatened leigh. I have been trying to wake her up for the past fifteen minutes but she won't budge. I huffed one more time before I situated my hands to her sides. "Last chance" I mumbled. All she did was turn her head. I smirked and slowly started to move my fingers in a tickling motion. After doing it for a minute or so, she started to squirm frantically.

"O-oh my g-god, ok ok, I-I'm up!" She screamed, prying my hands off of her so that she could regain her breath. She sat up and repeatedly hit my chest in a joking matter. "I hate you" she muttered and pouted. I smiled and kissed her pout, "no you don't because you wouldn't have agreed to marry me."

She glared at me, trying not to crack a smile at my comment but failed and hit me again. "Why must you abuse me love?" I pouted. "Why must you tickle me at 10:45 in the morning, love?" She shot back. "Touché" I said and she chuckled. "But seriously, why?" She asked and stood up.

"I plan on spending the last three weeks I have with you by doing something productive, not sleeping" I said and got up too. "Fine, what do you wanna do?" She asked. "How about we make a baby?" I smirked. She laughed and smacked my arm, "hush up you" She said. "I'm kidding, c'mon, I'll take you shopping then we can go and visit my parents" I said. She nodded and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. I was happy I took a shower earlier since hers would take a while.

I was actually being serious about us making a baby. I've been meaning to talk to leigh about the whole thing but I didn't want to trigger her our bring back the painful memories of when she lost it. But at the same time, I really wanted to start a family. On top of that, me and Jordan have have been talking about whenever me and leigh were gonna start
Making a family but I'm keeping that up to Leigh.

When I was done getting dressed, I went downstairs to feed the dogs then settled myself into the livingroom and watched Everybody hates Chis. (Idek if the UK can watch Everbody hates Chris but I love that show💀)

When leigh came down, she was dressed and ready to leave. As I looked at the glimpse in her eyes, I  started to have second thoughts about taking her shopping. "Babe, I'm telling you in advance, we are not going to every single store at the mall." I said, standing up and getting my keys. She laughed, "I'm not babe." We left the house and made our way to my car and made our way to the mall.

A hour and a half later.

"Not going to every store my ass" I murmured as I continued to trail behind my wife through the mall like a lost puppy while holding her bags. We have already been though about seventy five percent of the mall and she atleast has over twenty bags.

"Babe, we gotta go, we still have to meet my parent's" I groaned. "Ok, ok lets go. I brough enough stuff anyway" she said as we started to walk to the exit. "You had enough once you passed ten" I said quietly. If looks could kill, by the way she shot me that glare, I would have been 6ft under.

When we got all of her bags into the car, we made our way to my parents house. When we got there, my mom opened the door and immediately smashed Leigh into a hug. "How is my daughter in-law doing?" She asked her as we came inside and I shut the door behind me. I knew they would have been talking for a while so I went into the livingroom with Jordan and my dad while Lani, Leigh, Niyah and my mum went into the kitchen.

"How are you brother?" Jordan asked as I sat down. "Well, My arms are sore from carrying over twenty bags around a mall for almost two hours but aside that, I'm fine" I chuckled. "Took leigh out shopping, huh?" My dad asked with a smirk. I nodded, "we had been through almost the whole entire store before I saved myself by telling her we still had to come here" I said.

"Have you guys talked about it?" Jordan asked. I sighed and shook my head, "no, I'm afraid it might trigger something or scare her about the thought of getting pregnant again. I don't want to put her though that pressure" I said. "Son, there's no doubt that She doesn't want to have kids. You Just have to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with her about it and see what she thinks" My dad said and Jordan agreed.

"I hope so, she treats Niyah like her own and I want to witness that with our own" I said.

"You will big bro, don't worry" Jordan said and patted my back.

Hi babes! Ok one, Congratulations Victoria monét for the birth of her healthy bbg Hazel Monét Gains. Us tribal members love her already 🥰.
Two, there will be slow updates on all books for the next few days since I'm trying to take a break and read a bit to get my brain cells functioning again. Enjoy this!

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