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Not proof read so excuse any typos  :)


We have been watching Niyah for almost 3 days and to say that I'm not having baby fever is a big lie. Everytime I see Andre walk around the house with her attached to his hip, makes me think about how it would be if me and him actually decided on having kids. I mean, I would mind honestly but I don't know how he will feel about it considering the fact that we only been dating for almost two years.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I got out of bed and made my way to the smell of food. When I went into the kitchen, I saw andre flipping pancakes while Niyah sat on the counter picking at a bowl of fruits. "Auntie leigh usually eats nutella and blueberries on her pancakes. Do you think she would want cream too, little monster?" He asked Niyah. "Yes, Auntie leigh wants cream on hers" I said, coming inside. "Yep she would" he said back to Niyah, making me laugh. I kissed his cheek and sat Niyah in my lap and we all started to eat.

When we were done, Andre had to go to training so that me and Niyah together in the house for a few hours. "Ok, I'm off babe, call me if you need anything" he said, coming over and gave me a peck on the lips and kissed Niyah's head and left out.

"Ready to have fun without your old uncle Ni?" I asked her. She giggled and kicked her little feet. I took her upstairs and gave her a little bath then put her in some simple clothes since we were really only lounging around in the house. I was going to take her to the park with the dogs but I don't want to make any rumors about me and Andre having a baby. I can see the caption now.

"Leigh-Anne pinnock seen out with her and her presumed boyfriend Andre gray's dogs with a baby attached to her. The baby seemed to have her dad's skin complexion while she have consumed her mother's curls. Is this the baby that everyone have been waiting on?"

I rolled my eyes at thought. When I was done getting her dressed, I took her downstairs and let her crawl around on the ground while I went and made a few bottles for later. When I went back inside, I saw her playing around with the dogs. Both Kyro and Harvey were having her rolling around the floor, laughing hysterically. I picked her up and set on the couch but she quickly maneuvered her way into my lap and made herself comfortable. While I was humming songs to her, my phone started to ring.

I reluctantly got up still with Ni attached to me and checked who it was. I saw it was the girl's calling so I answered.

"Hey girl's" I said once there faces popped up. "Hey leigh, what's attached to you?" Perrie asked. "What does it look like pez? Its a baby. I know your a blonde and all but try to think sometimes please" I said Jokingly making Jade and Jesy laugh. Perrie flicked me off. "Who you babysitting for because I know damn well that ain't yours. Is it?" Jesy asked. I shook my head, "me and Andre are babysitting for his brother for a few days" I simply said. "How has it been?" Perrie asked. "It's perfectly fine, she only cries when she's hungry or needs to be change and she sleeps through the night. She everything is fine" I said, glancing down at her. "She looks so adorable. Coincidentally, she looks like a perfect mixture of you and Andre" Jade said. I shook my head and laughed. "Is she making you think about making a family?" Perrie asked. I nodded, "I'm actually having baby fever girl's. Help me. I don't even know If Andre would even consider having kids giving the fact we just got together" I sighed, bouncing Niyah in my arms. "Babe, don't think to much about it. Y'all will talk about it soon" Jesy said, and I nodded. We talked a little more before I hung up as I had to put Niyah to bed.

I turned the tv off and took the baby upstairs. I changed her into a top and left her in her diaper then layed her on our bed since she was already asleep. I sent Andre a text telling him to check on the dogs when he get come in and told him I was going to bed since I was drained. After a while I fell asleep, making sure Niyah was close.

Hi babe's! Short but sweet! Quick question, I have a story in my draft called 'Secret boyfriend' its a Jade story and I thought of it like at 5 am one morning so would you like if I put out? 💀. I feel like it's complete shit so yeah.

You know what to do!

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