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"Andre, where are we going?" leigh asked. "you ask way to many questions" I said chuckling. today marked a year of me and Leigh dating and I set up a romantic dinner for me and her, with the help of the other girls. I had a chief make a unique dinner then I had pez, Jesy and jade set up the room with flowers and balloons. I had her blindfolded for the whole ride and she smacked me along the head a few times for 'messing up her makeup' with the blindfold. 

"be careful, were going up some steps" I said holding her waist. "how am I gonna know Andre? I have a blindfold on if you obviously can't see" she huffed and gripped my arms tighter. I chuckled, "do you trust me?" I asked. she nodded with no hesitation. "alright then, stop worrying then" I said opening the door. the room was lit with candles and had the dinner set on one side of the room then the other side was filled with balloons that said 'happy 1yr, I love you' and on the floor was a bunch of gifts. I slowly removed her blindfold and saw her eyes light up. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, " happy 1 year love" and pecked her cheek. she turned and wrapped her arms around my neck. "happy anniversary babe" she said and gave me a kiss. when we both broke away, I slid her chair under her and sat down in front of her. 

we sat and ate and talked about god knows what. after we were done, I led her to the bed that had the flowers, balloons and the gifts sprawled around it. she took some pictures of how everything looked and posted it on her Instagram story before she jumped on the bed. I laid next to her. "what did I do to deserve you?" she asked softly, cuddling into me. I shook my head, "the question is love, what I do to deserve you" I said kissing her cheek. she smiled and laid her head on my chest. "thank you for everything you do for me" she said. "leigh, you own my whole heart, I would do anything just to keep that beautiful smile on you face" I said caressing her cheek with my thumb. she burried her face in my chest and slowly fell asleep. I stayed awake a little longer then her, just staring at her. after probably about 20 minutes of watching her breaths even out, I eventually let sleep overtake me. 

(the next morning)


I woke up the next morning, laying on Andre's chest. I reached over to grab my phone off the nightstand. when I looked, my Instagram was blowing up. I looked to see what all the hype was about, and I saw it was about what I posted last night. I smiled at how welcoming the mixers were to Andre. they made sure to keep me updated on his whereabouts and made sure to keep him updated on mine whenever we were apart. when I posted the first picture of us, everyone was very supportive, even though some told him that they were going to hunt him down if he ever hurt me. that made him a little scared at first but I told him, they were harmless and that he didn't have anything to worry about. 

"morning babe" I heard Andre raspy voice from under me. I looked up to see Andre looking down on me. "morning" I said getting up to stretch. when I looked back, Andre was half asleep, laying back down on the bed. I sat next to him and nudged him. "babe get up, I have to meet the girl's and you have training" I said. he groaned and draped his arm over my mid section. I laughed, " babe, seriously if your late, your gonna feel like hell tomorrow" I said getting up. he groaned but finally sat up and made his way lazily into the bathroom. I chuckled and sent a quick text to the girl's telling them I will be making my way to them shortly. after a few minutes, we both were up and dressed. we got in the car and made my way to drop me off. 

"thanks babe, I'll call you later" I said getting out the car and starting to make inside the dance studio. he pulled off and I went into the studio to see some dancers there and the girl's sitting there talking. "hey Leigh" Jesy said making there attention to me. "hey girl's" I said smiling, setting my stuff down and taking a seat next to Perrie. "well someone's very smiley" Jesy said with a cheeky smirk. "yeah, did a certain someone get some action on there first anniversary?" Jade asked. "why do you guys suspect that me and Andre had sex all the time whenever I'm smiling?" I asked, trying to swerve there previous question. "because that's the same smile you had the day after the brits when Andre stayed with us in Europe" Perrie said, making the other two agree. "first off, you two-" I stopped, pointing at Jesy and Perrie, "were hungover shits. your heads hurted too much to remember anything. and second, Jade was smiling too After her night with Jordan" I said darting my eyes to Jade. she flicked me off. before she could say anything, claud called us to start rehearsals. 

"babes, I think we got everything down. this is going to be amazing" I said, pulling everyone into a group hug. "I know right" Jesy said once we broke away. we all went and did a few more run throughs before we decided to go home. 

"see you in a week girl's" I said, making my way to my ride. I would have called Andre but I  knew he would be too tired from his training to come get me. when I made it to my house, I was beat. I fed Harvey then made my way to bed. once my head hit the pillows, I was out. 


hi babes, I feel like this pure shit but enjoy this. 

you know what to do. 

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