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"This is so good man" I said as I devoured my snack. "I still don't understand how you enjoy that. It doesn't look or sound like a enjoyable snack" Andre laughed. I flipped him off and continued to eat my snack happily ignoring his weird looks. "You said you had a plan on how were gonna tell our family. So tell me" I said.

He got up and went to the kitchen bringing out four boxes.

"This is going to our parents" he said showing me the two wood boxes. "Then these two, we can put the sonogram in here. I made a copy so one can go to your sisters and one to Lani and Jordan" he said. I smiled, "that's a great idea babe. Who helped you come up with this?" I asked making him gasp. "I did!" He said.  I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me the truth.

He sighed, "I may have told a few boys while you were gone and they may have helped" he muttered. "Andre!" I said, smacking his chest. "I'm sorry! I just couldn't keep it a secret anymore" he said. "And I though I couldn't keep a secret" I said laughing. He chuckled, "you still can't keep a secret love, I just couldn't that day" he kissed my cheek.

~~the next day~~

"I'm lowkey nervous" I told Andre as we got in the car to be in route to his parents house. We had asked for both family to come together at there's to tell them the big news. "Don't be, they will be more happy then ever" he said and squeezed my hand. We drove to there house and got out and knocked on the door.

Tom answered the door and told us to come in and get settled since dinner wasn't ready just yet. When we went in, Niyah, my dad and Jordan were in the livingroom so I suspected Lani, my sisters and our mothers were cooking. I took Niyah from her carrier and went to the kitchen. "Leigh!" Lisa said when she saw me. I smiled and gave her half hug. "How was tour?" Sariah asked me. "It was good" was my plain answer.

I didn't want it to slip that we might be pausing the other half of the tour since I'll be close to having to be on bedrest around that time.

When dinner was done, we all gathered around and talked. Mostly about everything that I did on tour. I was especially happy that none of them picked up on my sudden change of wardrobe. I was currently wearing one of  Andre's shirts. Considering all my clothes were kind of slight tight fitting, I opted for one of Andre's flannels.

"This is the second time you gathered us all together so what did Andre do?" Jordan asked making Andre scoff and flick his ear. I laughed and stood up, "he didn't do anything. But we do have a reason that we brought you all together" I said and smiled. Andre had slipped away and seconds later came back with the four boxes. I sat the two wooden ones infront of my parents then Andre's. Andre sat the two black ones infront of Sian, sariah, Jordan and Lani.

"When I count to three, open the boxes" Andre said making them nod. "One, two, three" he said and they opened the boxes.

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