chapter 7... Blow our mind

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"I can't believe we are really going to do this, its not too late to turn back around." Alero reasoned.

"There will be no turning back until we see what Happiness was talking about, I want to know so bad."

"Be careful Dinela, curiosity kills the cat."

"And satisfaction brings it back, we will be there in the next forty minutes." Dinela announced.

"Dinela drive slowly!" Alero cautioned.

"We need to get there quickly."

"Yeah but you don't need to kill us just because you want to get there quickly."

"There will be no killing of anyone okay."

"Watch out for the pot hole!!" Alero yelled but Dinela couldn't avoid it in time and we fell into it hard because of her speed but came out of it, I hurt my head on the window when we entered the pot hole.

"I told you to slow down, don't you know its night time you can't see properly."

"Like you would let a blind person drive."
All their bickering brought back really bad memories that I tried hard not to remember but failed.


I went home after the gathering and I saw my step father sitting on the couch in the living room, as soon as he saw me he stood up and I saw a scissors in his hand.

"I told you to be back home in five minutes but did you come back?" He said slowly as we walked to wards me, I tried backing away as he stalked towards me.

"Where are you moving to, come closer, come to me right now!" He yelled and I quickly moved closer to him, now we are only a feet apart.
He used the scissors to cut my clothes of off me.

"Please stop, please do not do this please I am sorry, I will always listen to you."

"Because you wore this gown you think you are pretty, you are not pretty, you are a murderer, you are ugly and pathetic you are a murderer, you do not have the right to feel anything but pain and guilt."

"Please stop."

He gave me two hard slaps to my face, one on the left the other on the right cheek and then a punch to my gut, another punch then he ended it with a slap which totally pulled me down and I fell on my side.

He knelt next to me and whispered in my ears "You are a monster Axymah, you killed your own mother, now you want to kill me too, I was insulted all Because of you, I was humiliated because of you, you are a disgrace, your mother would be so ashamed of you, you were feeling all high and mighty because of all what I got for you right, hopefully burning them all will bring you back to your senses."

He stood up abruptly and he went to the kitchen I tried to stand but I was feeling pains in my abdomen because of the hard hit to it. I saw him come out of the kitchen with a gallon and a matches.

"No!no!no!no, don't please don't!!!" I yelled from where I was struggling to stand, I managed to crawl to my room but what was happening prevented me from entering, my room was on fire and all the things I got was on fire too, he was burning it all.

"Please make it stop, get water, don't burn my clothes please."

"That should be the last thing on your mind right now." He said as he came down the stairs with the whip in his hand. I backed away but I lost my balance.

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