chapter 1... He is back

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I jolted up looking frantically around.

"She is awake." Someone yelled.

"You are alright, take deep breathes." Someone cooed into my ear, I did as I was told and calmed down.
Where am I? I asked myself confused.

"Relax Axymah." I can recognize that voice anywhere, Amira... mom. I looked around looking for where her voice came from, when I couldn't find it raised my head up at her. I was in a state of confusion, I was super confused because one thing I was at Dinela's party the next I am here

"You are okay my Darling." She said with a sweet smile.

"Okay." I managed to say but it came out as a whisper because my throat was dry then I remembered what happened before I collapsed and let out a scream.

"What was that about? What's wrong?" Someone asked surprised and confused

"M-m-y-my stepfather....Dario.... He is back."

"Please relax—"

"No, no!!! He is back for me." I let out another scream goosebumps formed on my skin.

I could not breathe, my vision was blurry, flashbacks of all the things he did to me, the torture, beatings.... I was shaking violently, my heart was beating rapidly in my chest adrenaline was coursing through my veins all the voices were muted I could only hear the loud pumping of my heart beat I was mortified he is back.... to finish what he started I released another ear piercing scream and collapsed.

Alero's POV

"What did you say happened again?" I asked west, he was the one that found her and saved her from Dario's clutches thank goodness he arrived on time, who knows what he would have done to her if he had gotten his hands on her.

"Well, after Azyma went after you I didn't see her for a while I thought you and her were probably having girl talks, then after about ten minutes I saw you I asked about her from you but you said you don't know where she was that she never came to you so I started looking for her then I went towards the back and I saw Dario standing over an unconscious body with a shovel I managed to get a good look at the person and saw it was Azyma's unconscious form I knew I had to do something to save her Dario turned around and saw me then he fled he left just like that I called you guy's attention and brought Axymah home." He narrated what happened.

"She must have been so terrified by the sight of him that she collapsed."

"Yeah, or he hit her from behind with a shovel."

"But why did Dario flee? I mean West does not look threatening in anyway, no offense."

"We can think about that later, let's call in the doctor I really hope she is alright." Amira said and called the doctor half an hour later he was here.

"Good day Mrs Amira."

"Good day, please help my daughter, she collapsed out of fear, please..." He moved to Azyma's side beside the couch and examined her.

"She was hit in the head pretty hard but she should be alright, I'll prescribe some medication for her that will relieve the pain in her head she also had a mental and emotional breakdown so keep her away from whatever scared her so much, I have given her an injection it will help her relax and reduce the rapid flow of blood to her brain, I advice she sees a therapist she really needs one."

"Thank you doctor, but is she alright?"

"She is fine but she has gone through a lot, she is traumatized do your best to keep her away from whatever or whoever caused her trauma always keep her in a cool and calm environment right now she does not need any form of negativity or anything that will bring back memories of her trauma I will take my leave now."

Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now