chapter 15... Be Quiet

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My alarm went off and I had to literarily drag myself out of bed, I'm glad today is the last day of work, I finally reached the bathroom and I took a long hot bathe, that did the trick, I was feeling a bit like myself again, I got dressed and ready for work. I looked at my bed and it looked like a slug bear had seizure on it, my sheets were wet and it had a few holes in it l, I should clip my toe nails soon, I made my bed and left my room.

"Good morning mom." I greeted as I sat on the dining table, breakfast was already served.

"Morning dear how are you?"

"Fine." I tried to say but my voice came out low, shaky and hoarse.

"What the... What's wrong with your voice?"

"I think I'm using it too hard, that screaming did something to my voice."

"I'll call the doctor and tell him what's going on, he'll tell us what to do."

"Okay." Mom called the doctor and I sat patiently waiting for her to give me feedback.

"Okay thank you doctor." Mom said. She hung up and turned to me.

"Dear, the doctor said you should not speak for the next twenty four hours, you need to rest your vocal cords."

"How w-i-ll I do t-h-a-t? I h-a-a-ve work to-d-ay." I tried to say but my voice broke as I spoke.

"No more speaking got it, send a text to your boss telling him you have a really bad cold and your throat hurts." Mom advised, I think this is my perfect day off, my throat really does hurt.

I took out my phone and texted my boss and waited for his reply.

Bull: so because you have a cold you want to skip work? Unbelievable.

Me: the doctor said I shouldn't use my voice for the next twenty four hours, if you still want me to come to work despite that, I will.

Bull: whatever but this is coming out of your pay check.

Me: but sir...

Bull: end of discussion.

Me: okay sir.

I can't believe this man, gosh.

"What did he say? Oh no wait don't speak, type it in your phone I'll read it."

He said its coming out of my paycheck I typed into my phone and gave it to her.

She read it "that man is impossible, anyways eat your breakfast and go rest." She said as she handed me my phone back.

Dad joined us and I ate my egg sauce and bread with tea as slowly as I could because my throat hurts a lot. Every bite causing me to flinch and whimper, my eyes even started to water.

"Honey are you okay?" Mom asked as looked up at me in concern, mom filled him in on what happened and what the doctor said, I put my hand on my throat, letting her guess what's up with it.

"Your throat?" She said and I nodded.

"What's up with it? Does it hurt?" She asked and I nodded vigorously.

"It hurts a lot doesn't it? Especially when you eat right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital for a check up and also I heard there is a girl being violated in a neighborhood in Gwarimpa so I have to go see what's going on, I am still one of the members of girls voices team and I was thinking if you would come with."

"How will she come with when she can't speak?" Dad asked.

"She can speak after twenty four hours which is tomorrow and that's when I have to go see what's going on." She explained and I nodded.

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