Chapter 34.... Grunts

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I opened the door and quickly rush outside, pushing them backwards, I was right, I can see two women, three security officers and a room service girl.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"Well we'll like to inspect your room."

"Why? Any problem?"

"Yes, these women said they heard the scream of a little child coming from your room so we'd like to inspect it."

"There is nothing in my room, there is no child in my room, I didn't come with one," I turned to the two women that made the report "you two reported this? I'm sure there is a misunderstandin—"

"There are no misunderstandings anywhere, you have got an innocent little girl captive, release the poor girl." I'm happy that there are still good people in this world, if the girl had been in real danger at least people are willing to help.

"You want to search my room right?"

"Yes, now if you'll excuse us ma'am." I really hope they both are up in the vent right now, I'll stall them a little longer just in case.

Canvas POV.

This is the main reason I hate helping people, I'm heartless and code, I have no feelings or emotions, why did I then choose to help this problematic woman? I can he really foolish at times.

The problem is how we'll both get into the air vent, there is no ladder or anything we can climb up with, I'm a wealthy, handsome and cold hearted man, I couldn't give two fucks about this woman here, I'll just hide somewhere and leave the little girl here in the floor, she'll get into trouble and I'll be safe, I care about no one except my mom, bed and myself.

End of pov

"Sir, I'll get married and become a mother one day, I'll also have my kids, why would I want to harm an innocent child when I know karma is real, what you do to others will come back to you."

"Yes ma'am, karma is real but some people don't have a conscience."

"Are you saying I don't have a Conscience?"

"Listen here, stop stalling and let us go search your room." The room service woman said.

"I don't seem to understand what you are getting at I a—" a loud sound came from my room.

"What was that noise?"

"Madam move aside before we start making assumptions."

"Bu—" one of the women dragged me to the side and entered forcefully.

"Don't go in!!" I yelled but they already went into the room, what if they see Canvas dangling from the air vent, we'll definitely be caught, we'll be in so much trouble.
I'll just stay outside here, or should I run awa—

"You are not planning on running away while we searched the room right?" I snapped out of my thoughts, that's exactly what I'm planning to do.

"!!" I was at a loss of words, she just smirked at me.

"Then come into the room while we search it."

"I'd rather stay outside."

"Why is that? This only proofs that you're guilty."

"I'm guilty of nothing."

"Then come into the room, so you won't be able to run away."

"I'll come into the room but just to prove to you that....that I have no intention of running away." I entered the room.

"Yeah right."

All the security men were looking for the little girl, room service and the other woman. They are searching the whole room, I was very anxious.
I looked at the air vent, it looked normal, it doesn't look even a little bit displaced, that makes me wonder if they are in there or not, unknowing to me, I stared at the air vent for too long.

"Why are you staring at the air vent?" She walked slowly towards me.

"Should you not be searching the room with them? You seem like you've made up your mind that you'll find her here so go on." She stared at me for a while trying to figure if I'm hiding something or not.

"Why are you staring at me? Is the child on my face? Weird people everywhere." That seemed to throw her off, she also started searching, she seems determined to find the girl, the girl is in safe hands, she is my responsibility now.

"Balcony is clear?" One of the security officers yelled.

"Bathroom and closet clear." Another did the same.

"And lastly, the room is clear, either you misheard or the scream wasn't coming from this room," I smiled in relief "we are sorry for the discomfort and trouble we caused, so sorry."

"Its nothing, you were just doing your job." Thank God.

"Officers let's go." They were about leaving when a loud sound came from the air vent, I thought fast and used my hand to hit the flower vase so the crashing sound will cover the sound that cane from the air vent.

"I'm sorry, clumsy me." The other woman who has been on my neck stared at me not buying my little stunt although she can do nothing but there is no harm in her trying.

"I heard a sound coming from the air vent." She said looking at the air vent.

"The sound you heard is probably the crashing sound of the flower vase."

"But how come the sound was really loud?"

"The vase is big and made of ceramic, that's why."


"Enough!! You need to get your ears checked, because of your mishearing we've wasted precious time, no more." With that they left.

"I know you're hiding something, even though you were not caught, have a conscience, let the poor child go, please." She is trying to get a reaction from me, playing mind games, not going to fall for that.

"Get out of my room," I said harshly then turned to the room service woman "come clean this mess up."

"Yes ma'am." She left.

"Come on Aria, maybe you heard wrong, let's go." They both finally left, I went and locked the door behind them, they might try to listen in so I waited a couple minutes before I said anything so if they don't here anything within that period they'll leave and leave me alone, but room service will be here soon so I need to hurry.

If the girl was really in danger this was how I would have gotten away with it, the security should step up their game and really listen to people more, I climbed on my bed and stood up, the air vent was directly on top of my bed, I can't reach it, its seven feet away from my head.

"You can come down now." I said raising my voice slightly, no movement came from the air vent, no response either, why? I called out to him again.
Canvas and the little girl are nowhere to be found, then I realised something, if they went up the air vent my bed would be a little scattered because they would have had to step on it but my bed was perfectly laid.

Where could they be? No way they would have left the room, I also started searching...... I heard grunting.

"Canvas?!!" The grunting was louder, I went to the sound of the grunt, it was coming from behind the wardrobe, its slightly displaced, I looked behind it, the little girl was there, I could not see her clearly though, how can they have missed this, I was about to move the wardrobe when a knock came at my door.

"Who's it?"

"Room service." I unlocked the door for her.

"I'm here to clean the broken vase."

"Get on with it," I watched as she cleaned up the vase "why are you moving so slowly? Do it quickly, I want to have a shower and go to bed."

"Yes ma'am." She was about to leave, she heard the grunting sound.

"What are you waiting for? Leave!"

"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?!"

"That sound! Where is it coming from?"

"What sound, just go already."

"No, I will not unless I know where that sound is coming from, I guess those women were right." She started searching the room, I just got out of one problem and I'm about to get into another one, life isn't fair at all.

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