chapter 27... Safe Trip

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I wrote his address down in case I forger, and started packing, I packed clothes for both weathers because I don't know if its going to be hot or cold, I finished packing soon enough.
I checked the time for my flight, its around 7:00am, I need to be at the airport before then, I can't afford to miss my flight.
I heard a knock on my door as I was packing.

"Come in." I yelled.

"Hey sweety."

"Mom! Do you need something?"

"No sweety, I just want us to talk." She said with a sad smile.

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked concerned, I left the clothes I was packing and turned to face her.


"Yes mom."

"Its nothing baby, its just I'm scared for you, I told Mavery about what happened with you this afternoon and what she told me....." She stopped mid word.

"What did she tell you? What is it mom?" I asked curiously.

"Its nothing to dance around about, I wish she didn't tell me, I wish I didn't ask but I'm glad I did."

"Please just tell me, please." I begged I wanted to know desperately.

"I'll tell you when you get back from California." Mom said.

"Just tell me now please." I begged. I need to know what Mavery said.

"No baby, don't worry yourself, when you get back I'll tell you."

"But mom you look so worried and you're telling me n....."

"No buts, come on continue packing and you have to sleep early, I need to go rest also."

"Goodnight mom."

"Night night baby, sleep tight." She said with a kiss to my forehead and she left.

What could Mavery have said to mom, I need to know, I hope it's not something that is bad, she will tell me once I'm back from my trip so it's alright, I'm going to give West a surprise, won't tell him I'm coming.
He said he'll call me but he hasn't, what could be keeping him occupied? Anyways whatever.

I finished packing my bags, and went to brush my teeth, it's past 9:00pm, I'm not quite tired but I'll go to bed whenever my eyes decide to close and I fall asleep.
As soon as I hit the bed, bam, I fell asleep but I was harshly woken from my sleep by loud yelling.

I squint my eyes trying to adjust to the light, I forgot to switch off the light before I slept, who could be yelling so late at night.
The yelling sounded close, I was too lazy to go check but when I heard mom's voice, I literarily flew off my bed, I saw a light coming from mom and dad's because their room door was slightly ajar.
It seemed mom and dad were having an argument, I wonder what could cause this, this is the first time this is happening and I'm witnessing it.
I slowly got close to their room door and peeped through the hole, I saw mom and dad standing three feet apart, dad was yelling.

"That is not going to happen." Dad yelled.

"Its the truth, we have to accept it and find the solution to this problem at hand." Mom said a bit more calmly.

"Problem!! You call this a problem, its a catastrophe... It....." He paused and looked towards the door. "Go shut the door properly, I don't want my daughter to over hear us and get so worried because of you, I don't know why you will listen to that woman." He said, mom approached the door and I quickly hid away.
She checked the door entrance before she closed and locked the door.

What were they talking about? Dad is really furious, what is the catastrophe? Why did mom not just tell me what's going on?
I was so lost in thoughts, that's when something occurred to me, I am taking a big box filled with jewelry abroad, what if... What if they think I stole it when I get to the airport.
I ran to my room and checked the envelope I was given, in there I saw a permission slip, its probably for the box if jewelry, that's good.
I should go back to bed, I said to myself as I looked at the time, its past 5:00am. I have to start getting ready to go to the airport, I undress and tied my towel around my body, its reaching my lower thighs, mom came in as soon as I was about to go into the bathroom.

"Hey mom, good morning."

"Morning baby, how was your night?" She asked with a big smile.

"Fine, yours?"

"It could be better, you should be off in an hour, the airport is far from here, I'll make you breakfast."

"Thank you mom."
She left my room shutting the door behind her, she is really good when it comes to hiding her emotions, behind that big smile she was wearing.
The doors were shut, the air hostess grabbed a microphone and spoke so loud into it, giving instructions.

"The plane is about to take off, please be seated in your seats and put on your seatbelts, switch off all electronic devices." She said, she repeated this instructions a couple more times.

I put on my seatbelt and put my phone on flight mode, other air hostesses went around making sure everyone was buckled up.
The plane soon started moving, California here I come.

I was supposed to go to Gwarimpa with mom, there is a girl being violated there, I wish I could go with her, she was supposed to go days ago, I'll call her immediately I get to California, but she should be retired by now, maybe she wants to take it on herself, it's been years since she last was on a case, I'll call her once I get there.

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