chapter 19... Evening On A Yacht

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"Honey that was totally uncalled for," Dad said, he came to my side and apologized, "I'm sorry for your mom okay." He said while I just stared blankly into space.

"Why are you apologizing?! She deserved it, how could you go meet Dario on your own? Answer me." She yelled, Mr Dario's voice kept ringing in my ears, I didn't want to answer her so I just walked away but she didn't have that, she pulled me back.

"And where do you think you are going? You have not answered me." She yelled again, fear started creeping my every being as I took sharp breathes.

"Honey stop it, you're scaring her." Dad said.

"When she decided to do this she didn't know she was scaring us right?"

"Well she is back home is she not? let her go rest, you can go on and ask her tomorrow." Dad said and motioned for me to go to my room.

"No! She will answer me now!! Where were you Axymah?" She asked.

"Didn't you see my note?" I asked in a low tone.

"The note that says you are going swimming and Dario might also be there? Yeah I saw it......" Before she said anything else I gave her a tight hug, there is no way Dario's words are true, mom seemed like she was contemplating on what to do, after a couple seconds she came to s decision and hugged me back and I let a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry, I was scared for you, I don't want anything to happen to you, I don't want to loose you." She said, she let out sobs and I pulled away to wipe off her tears.

"Nothing happened to me, I'm fine mom, and do you know what?! It paid off, now I know Austin is the mole and I know why he is helping Mr Dario." I said with a little enthusiasm.

"Really? You do?" She asked eagerly.

"Yes, yeah I do."

"Come seat and tell us everything, I'll get you a glass of water."
We sat on the couch and mom handed me a glass of water, I drank it and immediately I was stuffed.
Mom and dad sat next to me and I told them everything leaving the part where is mom is a Dakies out, I told them that Austin is helping Dario because Dario is holding is mom captive, him and his dad has to do what Dario wants or else Dario will hurt his mom.
     After I was done telling them what happened my dad sympathized with Austin and said Austin didn't do anything bad since he had no choice but to do what he did, but mom... Mom didn't buy a single thing I said, she thought Austin lied to me about that.

"There is no way I'll believe that boy, he is a lier, he lied to you so you'll sympathize with him and not call him out to what he did, I'm telling you, that boy lied to you."

"Mom?..." I began but she didn't want to hear it.

"Let's leave it at that, its his fault Dario was able to hurt you, I'll never forgive him for what he did, I made dinner, come eat." She said, I just shook my head at her.

"I'll eat later, I'll freshen up first." I told her and stood up.

"Okay, but you are alright right? You are not hurt anywhere?" Dad asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine dad, thanks." I said, then went to give him a kiss on his cheeks.

"Daddy's girl." Mom teased.

"Of course she is daddy's girl, don't mind your mom she is just jealous."

"Jealous of what? I also have a dad don't forget." Mom said with an eye roll.

"That's true its been a while we heard from them, we should go visit them some time." Dad suggested.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea, I miss them." Mom agreed.

"How about we go tomorrow."

"No I don't think so, Axymah as a lot going on right now, let's leave it to next weekend." Mom said, and she was right, I can't think straight with all the things going on with me, from my work to Mr Dario, down to Dakies and Mavery, Austin..... I need to get my life back on track before I loose it.

"What exactly does she has going on?" Dad asked, its not his fault, he doesn't know about a lot of the things going on with me. "Your parents have only heard of her, they haven't seen their grandchild yet, by the way did you inform them that you are pregnant?"

"No, it completely slipped my mind, will tell them about it later tomorrow."

"Dad let's just visit them next weekend please." I begged with the best puppy face I could muster.

"Okay princess, anything you want."

"Thanks dad, I'll be in my room." I said and went to my room.

"Okay, I'll join you soon." Mom said as I walked away.
I reached my bedroom and fell flat on my bed, its so soft and comfy, I started thinking about all happened today, is Austin telling the truth? What does Mr Dario want to do with her? The big question is what can he do?

I closed my eyes and immediately darkness consumed me, my sleep was not peaceful neither was it frightening, I dreamt if the same dream I had, the one where Austin went to Visit Mr Dario in jail and told him I was out of coma for money.

It seems I dreamt of exactly what happened and how Mr Dario found out I was out if coma, Austin gave Mr Dario that information for money, why would he if Mr Dario was forcing him to work for him?
There is something I'm missing somewhere, something is wrong somewhere, I saw it in Austin's eyes, he was telling the truth, but it doesn't add up, I was lost in thought that I didn't even know mom had entered my room.

"Axymah?! Axymah?!" Mom called once more before I snapped out of my thoughts.

"My child, what are you thinking so deeply about? I came here earlier but you were asleep, what woke you? Did you have a dream? A nightmare perhaps?"

"I won't say a nightmare." I told her the complete story of what happened in the evening with Dario and Austin, then my evening with West and my dream.
She listened attentively, this is one of the reasons I love my foster mom, she is a great listener.

"So you are saying, Austin's mom is a Dakies and Mr Dario is holding her captive? Not only that but he is using that as a way to get Austin and Mr Eke to do his bidding? If I understand correctly you are also saying Austin was probably giving out information about you to Dario for money?" Mom asked after I was done telling her everything.


"Okay... Well uhm, there is something we are missing, so Austin is telling the truth but he is also lying at the same time, that's something, well we will figure it out but first let's alert the girls about Austin and we'll invite Mavery over, tell the girls to come over later in the morning." Mom said and I agree with her, we'll figure it out.

"But it's till evening mom so they'll come over tomorrow." I corrected her.

"No silly, this is 4:00am" She said.

"What really?" I just had to see for myself, I checked the clock and she was right.

"Then what are you doing up so early?"

"I came to check up on you." She said with a yawn.

"But you still sleepy."

"Obviously, please tell them to come around 10:00 am or 11:00 am I'll like some sleep but I don't want to miss anything."

"Okay mom."

"And don't think I didn't hear the part where you were on a yacht with West we'll talk about it later, I'm sleepy right now." She said with a yawn and I giggled.

"Okay mom, bye."

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