Chapter 44....My Decision.

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I woke up to mom staring down at me.

"Hey baby," She greeted me with a smile "I've been waiting for you to come around."


"Yes, you've been asleep for a long while, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine, what about you, and your baby? Are you both fine?"

"We are alright."

"Mom, what do you think I should do?" I asked as I sat upright.

"Do whatever your heart tells you, I'll support you no matter what okay."

"You really mean that?"

"Yeah, I've talked to your dad, I reasoned with him but he doesn't want to hear it."

"I'll go talk to him, I don't want to die, especially not when Dario is alive and well."

"I understand how you feel, go talk to him."

"Okay." I looked to my side expecting to see Bel sound asleep but she wasn't next to me anymore.

"She is in the living room playing." Mom answered before I even asked.


"What will you do about her? Where will she stay while you're gone?"

"Can she—"

"No she can't," mom interrupted me "she can't stay here."

"But mom I—"

"You have two choices, put her in an orphanage home or take her with you."

"That place is dangerous, who knows what that place holds—"

"That's exactly why your dad doesn't want you to go."

"I can't take her."

"Then put her in an orphanage home, if you leave her here I'll do that for you."

"Mom plea—"

"No, no way, dinner is ready, I make pounded yam and vegetable soup, come eat then speak to your father afterwards." She said and left.
I got up and went to meet Bel after a while, I found her playing with her toys in the living room.

"Hey sweetie." I said as I walked to her and gave her a kiss on her temple.

"You're awake."

"Yeah, have you eaten tonight?"

"No, I don't like what they cooked."

"I'll make something else for you to eat okay."

"Okay." I left her and went to the kitchen, and made chicken pot pie for her.

"She needs to get used to the kind of food we eat here and she can't do that if she doesn't at least taste the food." Mom said leaning on the door.

"Yeah but—"

"You'll be gone soon, do you think I'll have the strength to make dinner and still make a separate meal for her."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm just telling you, I'm not doing anything bad, she should get used to the kind of food we eat if not when you leave she will starve to death" she walked in and past me "move so I can dish my husband's food." So in return for her supporting me on this, I get this attitude and behavior from her, amazing.
I finished making dinner for Bel and gave her to eat it.

"You're a really good chef Adeemah." She complemented as she downed the remaining of her food and water.

"Thank you."

Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now